关于迟滞比较器,在实际的模型的构建中主要是考虑利用 @cross 语句来确定不同的翻转点, 这里需要注意的是初态的设置以保证翻转的触发。具体的 verilog-a model 描述如下 // VerilogA for comparator with hysteresis `include "constants.vams" `include "disciplines.vams" module comparator (out,inp,inn); inout...
module res (a, b) // 定义一个叫做res的module inout a, b; // 该module有两个双向端口a和b electrical a, b; // 声明这两个端口为electrical数据类型 endmodule 5.4.3 参数 Verilog-A 中的参数声明和 Verilog HDL 几乎一致,也是使用 parameter。唯一的区别是在 Verilog-A 中,声明参数时通常会附带上数...
以下是几个用Verilog-A语言编写的电路模块的例子: 1.增益电路模块 ``` `include "disciplines.vams" module gain_circuit(va, vb, vout, g); input va, vb; output vout; parameter real g=10.0; analog begin vout = g * (va - vb); end endmodule ``` 这个例子展示了一个简单的增益电路模块,其中...
[0038] 现对本实施例具体实施进行举例说明: [0039] Verilog‑A模块 [0040] module example_opt(port_a,port_b,port_c);(port_c未被任何计算做过赋 值,也没有应用于任何计算。可以被优化) [0041] input port_a,port_b,port_c; [0042] electrical port_a,port_b,port_c; [0043] parameter real ...
Verilog Module Ports : outp outn Modify either verilog or symbol view of the cell : decoder 几年前用ADS2017的时候这个模块肯定是已经编译通过正常使用的,但毕竟作者是业余学习使用ADS,也没有人家的License授权,遇到这种问题也不好跟Keysight提……虽然可以将8位宽度的向量端口拆成8个独立的端口,但我认为这...
for plllib, CP_2, veriloga `include "constants.vams" `include "disciplines.vams" module CP_2...
One of the proposed models is the VRM (Voltage Regulator Module). The additional voltage drops due to limited current supply capability of VRM and the DC compensation due to feedback function of VRM can be considered using our model. The other model is the adaptive current source which can ...
如下图所示: 在verilog-a模块中例化一个参数 可以ADE L中使用,如果需要该参数实现从0到1023的改变,使用ADE L的动态参数或者参数扫描功能即可。 下面静态演示一下模块的使用: Schematic 电压设置为1.1V 为输出的1电平电压 Verilog-A module setting ADE L setting: ...
Both counters inside work as if they are in the inherent_clock rising edge mode, i.e., as if "inherent_clock" = 1 and "clk_dir" = 1 which are the default values of those parameters inside (mod_counter) module, although the values for these parameters are different for both instances...
Rewrite the module and rerun. Analysis `pss' was terminated prematurely due to an error. modelParameter: writing model parameter values to rawfile. And here is the code I used in VCO verilog-A model: `include "discipline.h" `include "constants.h" ...