题目 verilog求助,提示错误(1):near "module":syntax error 求问高手这是怎么了啊? module decder(a,b,c,d,out); input [3:0] a,b,c,d; output [1:0] out; reg out; always @(a or b or c or d) begin if(d!=0) out=2'b11; else if(c!=0) out=2'b10; else if(b!=0) out...
verilog求助,提示错误(1):near "module":syntax error 求问高手这是怎么了啊?module decder(a,b,c,d,out);input [3:0] a,b,c,d;output [1:0] out;reg out;always @(a or b or c or d)beginif(d!=0)out=2'b11;else if(c!=0)out=2'b10;else if(b!=0)out=2
always语句外的赋值要加上关键字assign,称为连续赋值 reg [7:0] DB[27:0];assign DB[0]=8'h5A ;//Z assign DB[1]=8'h6B;
.. end verilog 不支持你这样孤立的if(reset)你应该把你的if(reset) begin end放到下面的always里面。而always里面现在的code作为else. 另外应该用<=赋值,而不是=。=是给组合逻辑赋值的,你这里PCOUNT明显是个寄存器 always @(posedge CLK)if(reset)PCOUNT <= 0x00030;else PCOUNT <= NPC;
Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at de1sign.v(17) near text "=="; expecting ".", or an identifier Error (10134): Verilog HDL Module Declaration error at de1sign.v(27): port "O" is declared more than once Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at de1sign.v(30) nea...
Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at sys.vh(19) near text: "generate"; expecting a description. Check for and fix any syntax errors that appear immediately before or at the specified keyword. The Intel FPGA Knowledge Database contains many articles with specific details on how to resol...
错误信息如下,请各位帮忙指正。 ** Error: (vlog-13069) D:/FPGA/test/SHA-1 modelsim/DataProcess.v(7): near "casex": syntax error, unexpected casex. ** Error: (vlog-13069) D:/FPGA/test/SHA-1 modelsim/DataProcess.v(17): near "endmodule": syntax error, unexpected endmodule. 0 已退回...
Error (10170):Verilog HDL syntax error at Verilog1.v(2) near text "74138"; expecting an identifier/*TTL module 74138*/module 74138(Y,A,G1,G2);output[7:0]Y;input[2:0]A;input G1,G2;reg[7:0]Y:wire G;assign G=G1&~G2;always@(A or G1 or G2);beginif(G)case(A)3'd0:...