I have about six errors but they are all the same. The error goes as such: near "?": syntax error, unexpected '?' I've been trying to figure out how to fix this and I've looked at other problems in stackoverflow relating to this problem but to no avail. At first I thought it ...
I want to make ELU function in the verilog-A code, but it shows syntax error continuously. But the Verilog-A document says that this is the correct syntax, so I would like to ask you what should I fix. module myVerilogAmodel(d, g, s); //...
verilog求助,提示错误(1):near "module":syntax error 求问高手这是怎么了啊?module decder(a,b,c,d,out);input [3:0] a,b,c,d;output [1:0] out;reg out;always @(a or b or c or d)beginif(d!=0)out=2'b11;else if(c!=0)out=2'b10;else if(b!=0)out=2'b01;else if(a!=...
Description Due to a problem in the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 24.1, the F-Tile source files use the SystemVerilog 2012 standard. Compiling the project with an earlier SystemVerilog standard version could result in this compilation syntax error....
5.Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at clkseg.v(37) near text "***"; expecting ";" 解析:意思应该也很简单,就是检查的时候要细心点。 6.Error (10171): Verilog HDL syntax error at ir_ctrl.v(149) near end of file ; expecting an identifier, or "endmodule", or a parallel state...
1verilog求助,提示错误(1):near "module":syntax error 求问高手这是怎么了啊?module decder(a,b,c,d,out);input [3:0] a,b,c,d;output [1:0] out;reg out;always @(a or b or c or d)beginif(d!=0)out=2'b11;else if(c!=0)out=2'b10;else if(b!=0)out=2'b01;else if(a!
Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at de1sign.v(17) near text "begin"; expecting a description I am sure this is probably a very nooby error, but help is really appreciated! :) Translate Tags: Intel® Quartus® Prime Software0...
编译时出现了以下错误提示:Error(10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at dec4()16x.v(5)near text 3; expecting an identifier代码中的第5行为“output reg[15:0] 3yn”这里代码的错误可能是什么? A.变量类型定义错误 B.赋值方式错误 C.标识符定义不合规范 D.语句结尾漏了“:” 相关知识点: 试题来源...
Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at de1sign.v(17) near text "begin"; expecting a description I am sure this is probably a very nooby error, but help is really appreciated! :) Translate Tags: Intel® Quartus® Prime Software0...
I keep getting this error: ERROR VCP2000 "Syntax error. Unexpected token: (. Expected tokens: '???' , ';' , 'always' , 'and' , 'assign' ... ." "design.sv" 15 9 This is line: else (f[0]==0 && f[1]==0 && f[2]==1) ...