parameter sel = 8, code = 8’ha3; parameter datawidth = 8, addrwidth = datawidth * 2; 3.4存储器类型(Memories) 若干个相同宽度的向量构成数据(array),就是存储器。 例如: reg [7:0] mem0 [1023:0]; 上面定义了一个深度为1024,宽度为8bit的存储器。 4.运算符(Operators) 4.1算术运算符(Arith...
assign 4bit_logic = 4'hE; 5. Verilog Operators Arithmetic: *, /, +, -, %, ** Bitwise ~, &, |, ~|, ^, ^^ Logical: !, &&, || shift: >>, <<, >>>, <<< Relational: >, >=, <, <=, !=, !==, ==, === Special: {,}, {n{m}}, ?: 6. Setting values always...
modulelogical_operators (); regr_A =1'b1; regr_B =1'b0; // Initial statement is not synthesizable (test code only) initial begin #10; if(r_A || r_B) $display("Either r_A or r_B is 1"); else $display("Neither r_A or r_B is 1"); ...
Reduction operators 一、问题描述 Parity checking is often used as a simple method of detecting errors when transmitting data through an imperfect channel. Create a circuit that will compute a parity bit for a 8-bit byte (which will add a 9th bit to the byte). We will use "even" parity,...
function and、nand、or、nor、xor、xnor、buf、not、bufif0、bufif1、notif0、notif1 instantitation(实例化语句)、operators(各种操作符,比如+、-、&、|等等) 2、所有综合工具都不支持的结构 fork、join、initial、$finish、time、defparam、delays、UDP(用户自定义元语)、wait ...
“==” and “===” operators: The “==” are synthesizable while “===” operators are not synthesizable. If either of the operand in “==” has x or z the the result is always x while “===” compare x and z too. The same is true for “!=” and “!==” operators. ...
Verilog程序由符号流构成,符号包括空白符(Whitespace)注释(Comments)操作符(Operators)数字(Numbers)字符串(Strings)标识符(Identifiers)关键字(Keywords)等 空白符 空白符(Whitespace)空白符包括:空格、tab、换行和换页。空白符使代码错落有致,阅读起来更方便。在综合时空白符被忽略。例如:inputA;inputB;...
These operators compare operands and results a 1 bit scalar boolean value. The case equality and inequality operations can be used for unknown or high impedance(x or z) and if the two operands are unknown the result is a 1. If a=3'b010, b=3'b100, c=3'b111, d=3'b01z and e=3...
10、e space around operatorsWhite space between operators can make code more readable. The exact spacing to leave isleft as individual preference. One example to improve readability is shown below.Incorrect Example:if(my_signal1=1b0&&(my_bus3:0=4d5 beginCorrect Example:if (my_signal = 1b0...