SystemVerilog引入了决策修饰关键词priority,unique0和unique,从而解决了这个问题,它们将full_case和parallel_case的功能直接带到了RTL建模中。下表显示了这些SystemVerilog决策修饰符相应的综合指示。 这些修饰符并非注释,会同时影响综合与仿真,从而避免了编译指示在综合方面与仿真不一致的问题。对于综合,这些修饰符将会启用...
9.1.1 操作符的优先级(Operator priority) 68 9.1.2 表达式中使用整数 68 9.1.3 算数操作符(Arithmetic operators) 69 9.1.4 算术表达式中的regs和integers 69 9.1.5 比较操作符(Compare operators) 70 9.1.6 逻辑操作符(Logical operators) 70 9.1.7 位运算操作符(Bitwise operators) 71 ...
Fixed priority, with agent 0 having priority over agent 1 Grant will be asserted as long as request is asserted.Once we have the specs, we can draw the block diagram, which is basically an abstraction of the data flow through a system (what goes into or comes out of the black boxes?)...
//case 优先编码器 module priority_case( output reg [2:0] Code, output valid_data, input [7:0] Data ); assign valid_data = |Data; //“reduction or" operator always @(Data) casex (Data) 8'b1xxxxxxx : Code = 7; 8'b01xxxxxx : Code = 6; 8'b001xxxxx : Code = 5; 8'b0001xx...
The order of the table tells what operation is made first, the first ones has the highest priority. The () can be used to override default. // conditional operator ?:, this example is an expression that implements min(a, 10)wireout;assignout = a >10?10: a;// if a==b then c=...
2.4.7Priority encoder with casez 问题描述:练习casez语句,实现优先编码器 casez表示不关心z,casex表示z和x都不关心 2.4.8Avoiding latches 问题描述:练习case语句,避免生成Latch 就是在case语句前给输出信号写个默认值 2.5More Verilog Features 2.5.1Conditional ternary operator ...
4.3.2Priority Encoders205 4.4Code Converters208 4.5Arithmetic Comparison Circuits208 4.6Verilog for Combinational Circuits210 4.6.1The Conditional Operator210 4.6.2The IfElse Statement212 4.6.3The Case Statement215 4.6.4The For Loop221 4.6.5Verilog Operators223 4.6.6The Generate ...
The Verilog case statement does an identity comparison (like the === operator); one can use the case statement to check for logic x and z values as shown in the example below. Example- case with x and z 1 module case_xz(enable); 2 input enable; 3 4 always @ (enable) 5 case(...
Revision : 2000/02/29 Company : Verilog_group \***/ module ARITHMETIC (A , B, Q1, Q2 ,Q3, Q4 ); input [3:0] A, B ; //input operator output [4:0] Q1 ; //output sum, with carry bit output [3:0] Q2; //output sutract result output [3:0] Q3 ; //output quotion output...