module parameters can be modified at compilation time to have values that are different from those specified in the declaration assignment. This allows customization of module instances. A parameter can be modified with the defparam statement or in the module instance statement. Typical uses...
// Verilog 1995 style port declarationmoduledesign_ip(addr,wdata,write,sel,rdata);parameterBUS_WIDTH=32;DATA_WIDTH=64;FIFO_DEPTH=512;inputaddr;inputwdata;inputwrite;inputsel;outputrdata;wire[BUS_WIDTH-1:0]addr;wire[DATA_WIDTH-1:0]wdata;wire[DATA_WIDTH-1:0]rdata;reg[7:0]fifo[FIFO_D...
parameter REAL = 4.5; // REAL holds a real number parameter FIFO_DEPTH = 256, MAX_WIDTH = 32; // Declares two parameters parameter [7:0] f_const = 2'b3; // 2 bit value is converted to 8 bits; 8'b3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 参数基本上是常量,因此在运行时修改它们的值是非法...
2. Syntax and Declaration Parameters are declared using the `parameter` keyword in Verilog. They can be declared at themodule, generate block, or local scope level. The general syntax for declaring parameters is as follows: parameter <type> <name> = <value>; Here, `<type>` represents the...
It came to my attention when I tried some Verilog code, that Quartus synthesis and Modelsim do not deal with Verilog 2005 in the same way when it comes to defining local parameters in the port parameter declaration list. The reason why I wanted this is very simpl...
37、 ; 如:如: parameter WIDTH = 8h20; parameter BYTE =4h8; 43 参数(参数(parameters)-parameters)-使用举例使用举例 module mod1( out, in1, in2); . . . . . . parameter WORD_WIDTH = 8; . . . . . . wire WORD_WIDTH-1: 0 in1; / A wire declaration using parameter . . . ....
// A Verilog parameter allows to control the width of an instantitated // block describing register logic // // // File:parameter_1.v // module myreg (clk, clken, d, q); parameter SIZE = 1; input clk, clken; input [SIZE-1:0] d; output reg [SIZE-1:0] q; always @(posed...
Derived parameters within the module declaration should use localparam. An example is shown below. module modname #( parameter int Depth = 2048, // 8kB default localparam int Aw = $clog2(Depth) // derived parameter ) ( ... ); endmodule `define and defparam should never be used to param...
The module shown below uses parameters to specify the bus width, data width and the depth of FIFO within the design, and can be overriden with new values when the module is instantiated or by usingdefparamstatements. // Verilog 1995 style port declarationmoduledesign_ip(addr,wdata,write,sel,...
程序。endmodulemodule Name,port list, port declarations(if ports present)parameters(optional),),Declarations of wires, regs and other variablesData flow statements( assign )Always and 4、initial blocks,All behavioral statements go in these blocks.Instantiation of lower level modulesTasks and functions...