>> xmelab: *E,CUVMUR (top.sv,72|15): instance 'sc_main.system.m_xxxx.xxxx.xxxx0@xxxx<module>.top@top<module>.i_sub1' of design unit 'r_y_top' is unresolved in 'V.sub1:sv'. >> xmelab: *E,CUVMUR (top.sv,72|15): instance 'sc_main....
@Array_8x8<module>.genblk1[0].genblk1[0].U_CELL' of design unit 'REF_CELL' is a leaf instance and is unresolved in cellview 'B_Array.Array_8x8:verilogams'. Ensure that the design unit is either pre-compiled or its corresponding text file is specified for compilation. Also, check t...
I'm trying to use Bootstrap grid system with rows each has 4 column contains image, but the image size is big and it gets over its container, so I set image position: absolute and div position: relati... Concise way to create an array of values not found in a complex nested objects...
ncelab: *E,CUVMUR (/project/altera/eda/sim_lib/twentynm_atoms.v,6515|29): instance 'arria10_emif.emif_0.arch.arch_inst.io_aux_inst.io_aux.inst' of design unit 'twentynm_io_aux_encrypted' is unresolved in 'twentynm_ver.twentynm_io_aux:module'. altsyncram the_altsyncram ...
ncelab: *E,CUVMUR (../rtl/foo,314|618): instance 'foo.bar@foo.baz[0].@qux.quux' of design unit 'baz' is unresolved in 'worklib.foo:sv' ncvlog: *E,NULLLP: empty list of ports [A.1.4(IEEE-2001)] -- this error will be given if you have a comma after your last port entry...
Find Instances: find all instance of a module inside a project Show hierarchy of a module (all its sub-module) Move cursor / select text between start/end of block (like [], {}, begin/end, function/endfunction, ...) Code Completion : ...
An example of the syntax used is: vsim -t 1ps -L unisims_ver work.glbl work.tb In the example above, glbl.v is loaded at the same time as the testbench (which is called "tb" in this instance). ISE & EDK ToolKnowledge BaseFiles(0) Download No records found. ...
ncelab: *E,CUVMUR (/project/altera/eda/sim_lib/twentynm_atoms.v,6515|29): instance 'arria10_emif.emif_0.arch.arch_inst.io_aux_inst.io_aux.inst' of design unit 'twentynm_io_aux_encrypted' is unresolved in 'twentynm_ver.twentynm_io_aux:module'. altsyncram the_altsy...
xmelab: *F,OSDINF (~/TDMA_uECoG_Project/GET_SIGNALS/systemVerilog/verilog.sv,83|49): instance 'TB_TDMA_uECoG.analog_module@TDMA_ANALOG_MODULE<module>.get_signals_module@GET_SIGNALS<module>.genblk1[0].sin' of design unit 'SINE' is a leaf instance...
ncelab: *E,CUVMUR (./ihnl/cds0/netlist,18|8): instance 'test.top@counter<module>.U31@AND2X1<module>.M1' of design unit 'nfetx' is unresolved in 'worklib.AND2X1:verilog'. nfetx M2 ( .S(cds_globals.gnd_), .G(B), .D(hnet14), | ncelab: *E,CUVMUR (./ihnl...