我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 从错误信息来看,你在使用Verilog HDL编写FPGA设计时遇到了一个问题。具体来说,"Error (10200)" 表明在time_ctr.v文件的第27行存在一个条件语句的错误。这个错误的含义是:在always块中使用的边事件控制与条件语句中的操作数不匹配。换句话说,你可能在一个非...
Error (10200): Verilog HDL Conditional Statement error at timee.v(18): cannot match operand(s) in the condition to the corresponding edges in the enclosing event control of the always construct 我在刚开始学习verilog时,经常会在这个地方犯错。报错的源代码如下 always@(posedge clk_1s,negedge rst_...
.Error (10200): Verilog HDL Conditional Statement error at : cannot match operand(s) in the condition to the corresponding edges in the e always 记得初始化使用数据 加上 if(!rst_n) ; 不要直接接if(dsp_xint1...)
Error (10200): Verilog HDL Conditional Statement error at filename.sv(line-number cannot match operand(s) in the condition to the corresponding edges in the enclosing event control of the always construct. Quartus Prime (Lite) appears to insist that pulse_count, which tra...
你是不是错误提示:Error (10200): Verilog HDL Conditional Statement error at ……: cannot match operand(s) in the condition to the corresponding edges in the enclosing event control of the always construct 这是因为,你的“always@(posedge clk or negedge r_est)”表明在clk上升沿或r_...
9.Error (10219): Verilog HDL Continuous Assignment error at clk_div.v(26): object "clkdiv_equ" on left-hand side of assignment must have a net type 解析:看得懂英语就懂了。10.Error (10200): Verilog HDL Conditional Statement error at clk_div.v(22): cannot match operand(s) in the ...
1.Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple constant drivers for net ……解析:不能在两个以上always内对同一变量赋值,这个细节一般看书看资料会看到,但是编程时,就是没想到。2.Error (10158): Verilog HDL Module Declaration error at clkseg.v(1): port "XXXX" is not declared as port 解析:大意了...
aError (10200): Verilog HDL Conditional Statement error at control.v(168): cannot match operand(s) in the condition to the corresponding edges in the enclosing event control of the always construct 错误(10200) : Verilog HDL条件语句错误在control.v (168) : 在修建的附寄的事件控制不可能总匹配...
aError (10200): Verilog HDL Conditional Statement error at dictate.v(61): cannot match operand(s) in the condition to the corresponding edges in the enclosing event control of the always construct 错误 (10200) : Verilog HDL条件语句错误在dictate.v( 61) : 在情况在() 修建的附寄的事件控制不...
Error (10200): Verilog HDL Conditional Statement error at control.v(168): cannot match operand(s) in the condition to the corresponding edges in the enclosing event control of the always construct问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 错误(10200):Verilog HDL语言的条件语句在control.v错误(168)...