Identifier'enable'hasnotbeendeclaredyet.Ifthiserrorisnotexpected,pleasecheckifyouhaveset`default_nettypetonone 一目了然,下一个 `define 和 `undef `define用于定义一个宏定义,`undef用于取消一个宏定义。 宏定义可以定义在模块内,也可以定义在模块外,效果都一样,而parameter只能定义在模块内。 可以定义设计参数...
'define myzero 0 assign mysig = 'myzero;//注意要加宏符号 //示例2,条件编译 'ifdef MYVAR module if_MYVAR_is_declared; ... endmodule 'else module if_MYVAR_is_not_declared; ... endmodule 'endif 12 Include文件(不太理解) Verilog可以将源代码分散在多个文件中,当需要引用另一个文件中的代码时...
'define myzero 0 assign mysig = 'myzero; //示例2,条件编译 'ifdef MYVAR module if_MYVAR_is_declared; ... endmodule 'else module if_MYVAR_is_not_declared; ... endmodule 'endif 12.Include文件 Verilog可以将源代码分散在多个文件中,当需要引用另一个文件中的代码时,可以使用如下语句:“`include ...
wire sum; // declaration is not required assign sum = a + b; `default_nettype none wire sum; // must be declared assign sum = a + b;
'define myzero 0 assign mysig = 'myzero;//注意要加宏符号 //示例2,条件编译 'ifdef MYVAR module if_MYVAR_is_declared; ... endmodule 'else module if_MYVAR_is_not_declared; ... endmodule 'endif 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ...
output aport; // Error - already declared 1. 2. 3. 有符号端口声明 可以使用signed属性来声明有符号端口,默认情况下是无符号的端口。 module ( input signed a, b, // a, b are signed from port declaration output reg signed c // c is signed from reg declaration ...
In Verilog, after we have declared the module name and port names, we can define the direction of each port. (version note: In Verilog 2001 we can define ports and port directions at the same time) The code for this is shown below. ...
DEFINE vendor1 c:/vendor1 This line says that the logical library name vendor1 maps to the physical library located at c:\vendor1. Debugging Verilog Parameter errors Leave a reply Whenever you’re working with a large Verilog design, there’s likely to be a significant use ofparams (andloc...
Verilog is a case-sensitive hardware description language. Among them, all its system keywords are lowercase. Identifiers and reserved words The characters used to define the name of the language structure in the Verilog code are called identifiers, including variable names, port names, module names...
`ifndefCONSTANTS// guard prevents header file from being included more than once, it is similar to the header file of C`defineCONSTANTS`defineADDR_BITS 16`defineNUM_WORDS 32`defineLOG2(x) (x <= 2) ? 1 : \// calculate the log2(x)(x <=4) ?2: \ ...