The idea behind a positive edge detector is to delay the original signal by one clock cycle, take its inverse and perform a logicalANDwith the original signal. modulepos_edge_det(inputsig,// Input signal for which positive edge has to be detectedinputclk,// Input signal for clockoutputpe)...
n changes to d^p. Thus q = (p^n) = (p^d^q) = d.16// At each (positive or negative) clock edge, p and n FFs alternately17// load a value that will cancel out the other and cause the new value of d to remain.18assignq=p^n;19// Can't synthesize...
,我曾經討論過用Verilog實現Sobel edge dector的原理與方式,用的是DE2-70,但DE2畢竟是大家最熟悉,也最流行的平台,所以這次來看看如何在DE2實現Sobel edge detector。 在DE2平台所需做的修改 我以DE2 CD的DE2_CCD範例為藍本,使用130萬像素的TRDB-DC2為輸入,VGA為輸出,將Sobel edge detector加到DE2上。Sobel....
DE2_70_TV與DE2_70_D5M_LTM的架構非常類似,都是以SDRAM當做frame buffer,所以若要加上演算法,基本上也是放在SDRAM之前做前處理,或者放在SDRAM之後做後處理。 Sobel Edge Detector解說部分,請參考(原創) 如何實現Real Time的Sobel Edge Detector? (SOC) (Verilog) (Image Processing) (DE2-70) (TRDB-D5M) (...
在DE2-70實現Sobel Edge Detector 我是以DE2-70 CD中的DE2_70_D5M_LTM為藍本修改而成,這是一個以DE2-70 + 500萬像素CMOS:TRDB-D5M + 4.3寸 800x400 LTM為平台的範例。 DE2_70.v / Verilog 1/* 2(C) OOMusou 2008 ...
Sobel Edge Detector 詳細的Sobel演算法流程,我就不再多談,下圖的Gx與Gy是Sobel edge detector在X方向與Y方向的kernel,將與P5這個pixel做convolution。 雖然是對P5運算,卻必須同時知道P1、P2、P3、P4、P6、P7、P8、P9的資訊,這在C不是問題,因為都在array內,只要改變一下array的index就可得到,但在Verilog卻做不...
f : Falling edge. Same as 10 p : Potential positive edge. Either 01 or 0x or x1 n : Potential negative edge. Either 10 or 1x or x0 Example 2x1 multiplexer (combinational ex) primitive mux(out, sel, a, b); output out; input sel, a, b; table //sel a b : out 0 1 ?
The 1/2 clock cycle shift is made by using a 2 positive edge-triggered flip-flops in series.The table shows the current counter state and the next state. The first column shows the clock divider output.Here, tp stands for time period of the clock, i.e. + 2 tp stands for the ...
For example, the design above represents a positive edge detector with inputs clock and signal which are evaluated at periodic intervals to find the outputpeas shown. Simulation allows us to view the timing diagram of related signals to understand how the design description in Verilog actually beha...
// Example of a Sequence Detector // Or a square wave with programmable positive and negative width module det(sin,clk,reset,y); input sin,clk,reset; output y; reg y; reg [1:0] r_reg,n_reg; parameter s0=2'b00,s1=2'b01,s2=2'b10; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) if ...