Finite state machineField programmable gate arrayCoding stylesVerilogCPLDFPGAImplementation costSpeedCADCoding techniques in Verilog HDL of finite state machines (FSMs) for synthesis in field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are researched, and the choice problem the best FSM coding styles in terms of...
// vending-machine // 2 yuan for a bottle of drink // only 2 coins supported: 5 jiao and 1 yuan // finish the function of selling and changing module vending_machine_p3 ( input clk , input rstn , input [1:0] coin , //01 for 0.5 jiao, 10 for 1 yuan output [1:0] change ,...
Building a Finite State Machine Lab Verilog Part Overview:In this lab you will learn how to model finite state machine in Verilog HDL using three always blocks. You will model a specified counting sequence counter as an example of fsm. The predefined counting sequence you will model is 000 ...
再写一个testbench文件test_tb.v: /*finite state machine---FSM testbench file for Detector110.v 有限状态机的实例 2012/05/22 Iverilog + GTKWave in windows XP sp3*/`timescale 1ns/100psmoduletest;regaa, clk, rst;wireww; Detector110 UUT(aa, clk, rst, ww);initialbeginaa=0; clk=0; r...
有限状态机(Finite-State Machine,FSM),又成为有限状态自动机,简称状态机,是表示有限个状态以及在这些状态之间的转移和动作等行为的数学模型。笔者常在电机控制、通信协议解析等应用场景下应用FSM。 本文所讲的是基于硬件描述语言Verilog HDL的有限状态机的编写技巧及规范。众所周知FPGA以其并行性和可重构性为世人所知...
FSM(Finite State Machine)是数字设计中经常涉及到的部分。FSM分为两类:Mealy型和Moore型,其主要区别是:Mealy型状态机的输出与当前状态和输入均有关;Moore型状态机的输出仅与当前状态有关,而与输入无关。 如何设计有效的状态机,避免一些不希望出现的输出结果(如锁存、毛刺等),是本文的谈论要点。
有限状态机英文名字,Finite State Machine,简称状态机,缩写为FSM。 有限状态机是指输出取决于过去输入部分和当前输入部分的时序逻辑电路。 有限状态机又可以认为是组合逻辑和寄存器逻辑的一种组合。状态机特别适合描 述那些发生有先后顺序或者有逻辑规律的事情,其实这就是状态机的本质。
6.1 Finite-State Machine Models 6.2 State Diagrams 6.3 Analysis of Finite-State Machines 6.3.1 Next-State Equations 6.3.2 Next-State Table 6.3.3 Output Equations 6.3.4 Output Table 6.3.5 State Diagram 6.3.6 Example 6.4 Synthesis of Finite-State Machines 6.4.1...
Build a finite-state machine that searches for the sequence 1101 in an input bit stream. When the sequence is found, it should set start_shifting to 1, forever, until reset. Getting stuck in the final state is intended to model going to other states in a bigger FSM that is not yet im...