I'm working on an application that involves the FPGA to take in an analog signal through its onboard ADC and perform the FFT using the altera ip core. So far, my understanding is the ip core generates a verilog module for just the FFT and I will have to instance it...
Gitlab 提供了基于 Code Climate 的代码质量评估功能,这一功能是通过 dind(Docker in Docker)方式运行...
1、Implementation of Fast FourierTransform (FFT) on FPGA usingVerilog HDLAn Advanced-VLSI-Design-Lab (AVDL) Term-Project,VLSI Engineering Course, Autumn 2004-05,Deptt. Of Electronics & Electrical Communication,Indian Institute of Technology KharagpurUnder the guidance ofProf. Swapna BanerjeeDeptt. ...
14、id;Name iclk overflow qQ010(11q3耳 Ffter. |Fm allCustaffiisB.UslOKAssignmentsIjiName| AssignmentsTUnassignedh呼 ICountsrtdkUnBssignEidllrUnasigned匸<3 |Counter|oveiflciwUnasisignEidl0Unas$igredc2 ICwnterlqUna$siflnedDUnassigredc2 ICounterlqLOUnassigned0Unassignedci|Cc<jnterlq|l)Unassigne...
1.1, ratio of execution times for the (DFT) vs. (Radix 2 FFT) (denoted as ‘Speed Improvement Factor’) increases tremendously with increase in N. The term 'FFT' is actually slightly ambiguous, because there are several commonly used 'FFT' algorithms. There are two different Radix 2 ...
.gitignore spiral fft spectrogram Jun 13, 2022 LICENSE create a new branch to put the stable stuffs Mar 22, 2022 README.md modify the readme and add vimrc Nov 23, 2022 requirements made some test on pfb Sep 15, 2023 vimrc modify the readme and add vimrc Nov 23, 2022 Repository fi...
complex_power cordic correlator data_cast delay old Makefile delay.v delay_test.py dsp48_macc dsp48_mult moving_average moving_variance resize_data shift spiral_fft xlx_bram gps protocols rfi_detector utils work_in_progress xlx_templates .gitignore LICENSE README.md requirements vim...
对于正弦函数性能的测试,大多数人一定会想到快速傅里叶变换(Fast Fourier Transform,FFT)。信号频谱的最高峰就是正弦信号的线谱,其平方为正弦信号的能量;其他部分就是系统产生的噪声,噪声能量为其能量值和。这样就可以得到系统最重要的性能:信噪比(信号噪声比,Signal-to-noise ratio ,SNR)。但是实际中,FFT 也是优...
View Code 4. Modelsim仿真结果 仿真结果应该还是挺理想的。后续需要完成的工作:1.上述红色出现的问题的解决;2.应用cordic算法,完成如FFT的算法。 后记: 在3中,迭代公式:x(n+1) <= x(n) + {{n{y(n)[16]}},y(n)[16:n]},上述右移操作都是手动完成:首先最高位增加1位符号位(1为负,0为正),然...