读写,某时刻只能在控制信号作用下作为数据输入或输出的一种; 双端口RAM:对应IP核中的Dual-Port RAM,有两组独立的控制信号线、地址线和数据线,两组之间互不影响,允许两个独立的系统同时对其...,会出现仲裁; FIFO:先进先出数据缓冲器,也是一个端口只读,另一个端口只写。但是FIFO与伪双口RAM的不同,FIFO为先入...
单端口RAM:对应IP核中的Single-Port RAM,只有一组控制信号线、地址线和数据线,不能同时读写,某时刻只能在控制信号作用下作为数据输入或输出的一种; 双端口RAM:对应IP核中的Dual-Port RAM,有两组独立的控制信号线、地址线和数据线,两组之间互不影响,允许两个独立的系统同时对其进行随机性的访问。即共享式多端口...
.address_1 (rd_pointer) , // address_q input .data_1 (data_ram) , // data_1 bi-directional .cs_1 (rd_cs) , // chip select .we_1 (1'b0) , // Read enable .oe_1 (rd_en) // output enable ); 这样就可以同时读写。 其原理大概如此: FIFO uses a dual port memory and ther...
2)Dual port RAM 关于IP核的使用,可参考:印象笔记-3/FPGA/025-双端口RAM参数设置,双端口RAM与FIFO最大的区别在于存在读、写地址,如果数据存在偏移,可以很方便地修正偏移量。 应用举例:现有两路数据存在偏移,希望将二者对齐,以Dual port RAM为例,调用XILINX 的 IP核,细节参考博文:DUAL PORT RAM应用实例 19- 卷...
.data_1 (data_ram) , // data_1 bi-directional .cs_1 (rd_cs) , // chip select .we_1 (1'b0) , // Read enable .oe_1 (rd_en) // output enable ); 这样就可以同时读写。 其原理大概如此: FIFO uses a dual port memory and there will be two pointers to point read and write ...
[ADDR_WIDTH], waddr[ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]}); rempty <= (raddr == waddr); end end // RAM例化,注意读写使能端口的信号 dual_port_RAM #( .DEPTH(DEPTH), .WIDTH(WIDTH) ) dual_port_RAM_U0 ( .wclk(clk), .wenc(winc&&~wfull), .waddr(waddr[ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]), //深度对2取对数,...
Ram Configuration The generated ram is a piece of16x255 True Dual Port Ram (Port A and Port B)with native interface. Primitives Output Registers and RST signals are available to both ports. In addition, there are no change in the operating modes. The port configurations and an IP summary...
1. .v file for a dual port RAM according to Recommended HDL Coding Styles. 2. Have added this attribute : (* ram_init_file = "my_memory_blocks.hex" *) reg [7:0] mem [255:0]; 3. I have changed the path of convert_hex2ver.dll in the modelsim.ini file : Veriuser = C...
This is a code for a 2 port data memory. When I compile it on quartus, number of memory bits are zero and is implemented as logic elements and doesn't infere a ram. How to solve that? module dataMemoryTwoPorts( PAaddress , PBaddress , PAwriteData , PBwriteData , PAreadData , PB...
`resetall `timescale 1ns / 1ps `default_nettype none /* * DMA parallel simple dual port RAM */ module dma_psdpram # ( // RAM size parameter SIZE = 4096, // RAM segment count parameter SEG_COUNT = 2, // RAM segment data width parameter SEG_DATA_WIDTH = 128,...