看别人的吧:Verilog code for D flip-flop - All modeling styles (technobyte.org)Verilog: T flip flop using dataflow model - Stack Overflow 我倾向于认为Verilog的<=没那么强; 它可以偷偷地把 q <= ~((enable & reset) | q_); 换成if嘛。 1. 叫modeling style不叫coding style. 2. if (!con...
Basic DFF Verilog Code:" module dff1(clk,rst_n,din,dout) input clk; input rst_n; input din; output reg dout; always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) dout<=1'b0; else dout<=din; end endmodule 2. DFF with Async reset module dff1(clk,rst_n,din,dout) input cl...
钟控D触发器其实就是D锁存器,边沿D触发器才是真正的D触发器,钟控D触发器在使能情况下输出随输入变化,边沿触发器只有在边沿跳变的情况下输出才变化。 20、D 触发器和D 锁存器的区别。 两个锁存器可以构成一个触发器,归根到底还是dff是边沿触发的,而latch是电平触发的。锁存器的输出对输入透明的,输入是什么,...
0x02 D 触发器(D Flip-Flop) 通过将 RS 触发器的输入 和 绑定为互补值,可以构建一个只有一个输入的 触发器。 要设置为 '1',只需在输入上放置 '1';要设置为 '0',只需在输入上放置 '0'。 0x03 JK Flip-Flop(JK 触发器) JK 触发器是一种在 RS 触发器中不被允许的输入 被允许的触发器。 当两...
//设计文件源代码moduleD_type_flip_flop(d,r,clk,q);parameterWIDTH=1;inputr;inputd;inputclk;outputreg[WIDTH-1:0]q;always@(posedgeclkornegedger)beginif(~r)q<={WIDTH{1'b0}};elseq<=d;endendmodule 仿真文件源代码 `define SYS_CLOCK 20moduletest;regr;regclk;regd;wireq;initialbeginclk=0...
6、使用 D 触发器 Verilog 代码的 4 位纹波计数器 //* following code is for 4 bit ripple counter designed with d flip flop*// module dff_r (input d_in, clk_in, rst_in, output reg q, output q_n); //* module define a d flip flop with clock, reset, d, as input, and q and...
Example 1 - Feedback oscillator with blocking assignments 依据IEEE Verilog标准,这两个always块可以以任意的次序执行。如果在reset后第一个块先被执行,结果将是y1和y2都获得赋值1;如果在reset后第二个块先被执行,结果将是y1和y2都被赋值0。这个例子清楚地展示了一个Verilog竞争条件地产生。
I'm attempting to write a specific version of the D Flip Flop that uses NOR gates only: Following is gate level diagram: The code I'm using in Verilog: module DFlipFlop(D,CLK,Q,QN); input D, CLK; output Q, QN; reg Q, QN, R, S; ...
out<=d;assignd=in^out;endmodule 91.Consider the sequential circuit below: Assume that you want to implement hierarchical Verilog code for this circuit, using three instantiations of a submodule that has a flip-flop and multiplexer in it. Write a Verilog module (containing one flip-flop and mu...
The code is testable onEDAPlayground. A DFF can be simpler. moduleDff (outputreg q,inputdata, clk ); always @(posedge clk) begin q <= data;endendmodule Then the tests are the culprits. Blocking assignments are causing confusion. A simple way to fix that is to change all the=by<=lik...