set=1; reset =0; #1enable=1; #1enable=0; #1set=0; reset =1; #1enable=1; #1$finish;end//flipflop ff(q, q_, set, enable, reset);ff2 ff2(q, q_, set, enable, reset);endmodule 看别人的吧:Verilog code for D flip-flop - All modeling styles ( T flip f...
Verilog program for T Flipflop Verilog program for JK Flipflop Verilog program for Equality Comparator Verilog program for 8bit Up down counter Verilog program for 8bit Shift Register (SIPO,PISO,PIPO) Verilog program for Random Access Memory(RAM) ...
Assume that you want to implement hierarchical Verilog code for this circuit, using three instantiations of a submodule that has a flip-flop and multiplexer in it. Write a Verilog module (containing one flip-flop and multiplexer) namedtop_modulefor this submodule. moduletop_module (inputclk,input...
input din; output reg dout; always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) dout<=1'b0; else dout<=din; end endmodule 2. DFF with Async reset module dff1(clk,rst_n,din,dout) input clk; input rst_n; input din; output dout; reg dout; always@(posedge clk or negedge rs...
//设计文件源代码 module D_type_flip_flop(d,r,clk,q ); parameter WIDTH = 1; input r; input d; input clk; output reg [WIDTH-1:0] q; always @ (posedge clk or negedge r) begin if (~ r ) q <= {WIDTH{1'b0}}; else q <= d; end endmodule 仿真文件源代码 `define SYS_CLOC...
💭 写在前面:本章将理解 RS/D 锁存器的概念,了解 RS/D/JK 触发器的概念,使用 Verilog 实现各种锁存器 (Latch) 和翻转器 (Flip-Flop),并通过 FPGA 验证用 Verilog 的实现。 📜 本章目录: Ⅰ. 前置知识回顾 0x00 锁存器(Latch) 0x01 RS 触发器(RS Flip-Flop) ...
触发器:flipflop 锁存器:latch 寄存器:register 锁存器是电平触发的存储单元,数据存储的动作取决于输入时钟(或者使能)信号的电平值,仅当锁存器处于使能状态时输出才会随着数据输入发生变化。 触发器是边沿敏感的存储单元,数据存储的动作由某一信号的上升或者下降沿进行同步的。
Verilog code for D flip-flop with active-high synchronous reset -module dff (input d, clk, srst, output reg Q); always @ (posedge clk) begin if (srst) Q <= 1'b0; else Q <= d; end endmodule Verilog code for D flip-flop with active-low asynchronous reset -...
5.7.1 VHDL Code for a D Latch with Enable 5.7.2 Verilog Code for a D Latch with Enable 5.8 Clock 5.9 D Flip-Flop 5.9.1 Alternative Smaller Circuit 5.10 D Flip-Flop with Enable 5.10.1 Asynchronous Inputs 5.11 Description of a Flip-Flop 5.11.1 Characteristic...