reg [3:0] counter [3:0] ; //由4个4bit计数器组成的数组 wire [7:0] addr_bus [3:0] ; //由4个8bit wire型变量组成的数组 wire data_bit[7:0][5:0] ; //声明1bit wire型变量的二维数组 reg [31:0] data_4d[11:0][3:0][3:0][255:0] ; //声明4维的32bit数据变量数组 下面...
Gray code counters (having one bit change per counter transition) are often used in FIFO design and digital communication. Here I will show two styles gray code counter. Style #1 First style gray code counter uses a single set of flip-flops as the Gray code register with accompanying Gray-t...
Gray code counters (having one bit change per counter transition) are often used in FIFO design and digital communication. Here I will show two styles gray code counter. Style #1 First style gray code counter uses a single set of flip-flops as the Gray code register with accompanying Gray-t...
reg ctrl_hsync_run; // control signal for hsync counter reg [8:0] ctrl_hsync_cnt; // counter for hsync reg ctrl_data_run; // control signal for data processing reg [7 : 0] total_memory [0 : sizeOfLengthReal-1];// memory to store 8-bit data image // temporary memory to save...
4'b1011 // 4bit 数值32'h3022_c0de // 32bit 的数值 _ 是为了增强代码的可读性。 不指明位宽: 一般直接写数字时,默认为十进制表示,例如下面的 3 种写法是等效的: counter = 'd100 ; //一般会根据编译器自动分频位宽,常见的为32bitcounter = 100 ;counter = 32'h64 ; ...
Problem 104 4-digit decimal counter 牛刀小试 设计一个4位BCD(二进制编码十进制)计数器。每个十进制数字使用4-bit来表示:q[3:0]是个位,q[7:4]是十位等。对于ena[3:1],该信号用来表示个位、十位和百位的进位。时序图如下图所示: 解答与解析 module top_module ( input clk, input reset, // Synchro...
题目:Create a circuit that has two 2-bit inputsA[1:0]andB[1:0], and produces an outputz. The value ofzshould be 1 ifA = B, otherwisezshould be 0. 大白话:给定两个两位输入A,B,一个输出z。如果A=B,则z=1;如果A≠B,z=0. ...
需要25bit10 //位宽1112 //reg define13 reg [WIDTH-1:0] counter ;14 reg [1:0] led_ctrl_cnt;1516 //wire define17 wire counter_en ;1819 //***20 //** main code21 //***2223 //计数到最大值时
二进制表示如下:4’b0101表示4位二进制数字0101; 十进制表示如下:4’d2表示4位十进制数字2(二进制0010); 十六进制表示如下:4’ha表示4位十六进制数字a(二进制1010),十六进制的计数方式为0,1,2…9,a,b,c,d,e,f,最大计数为f(f:十进制表示为15)。 ...
Verilog program for Equality Comparator Verilog program for 8bit Up down counter Verilog program for 8bit Shift Register (SIPO,PISO,PIPO) Verilog program for Random Access Memory(RAM) Verilog program for Programmable clock Generator Verilog program for Finite State Machine (mealy) ...