Testbench Code- 4bit Adder `timescale 1ns / 1ps /// // Company: TMP // Create Date: 08:15:45 01/12/2015 // Module Name: 4bit Adder // Project Name: 4bit Adder ///module TestModule; // Inputs reg [3:0] a; reg [3...
模块有两个4位的输入A和B,一个4位的输出S,以及一个进位输出C_out。module adder_4bit(input [3:0] A,input [3:0] B,output [3:0] S,output C_out);wire [4:0] C; // 进位信号assign {C_out, S} = A B;endmodule 答案 解析 null 本题来源 题目:四、编程题编写一个Verilog模块,实现一...
Verilog program for 4bit Substractor Verilog program for Carry Look Ahead Adder Verilog program for 3:8 Decoder Verilog program for 8:3 Encoder Verilog program for 1:8 Demultiplxer Verilog program for 8:1 Multiplexer Verilog program for 8bit D Flipflop ...
You could download file adder_using_always.v here The statements within the procedural block work with entire vectors at a time. Example - 4-bit Adder 1 module adder_4_bit_using_always (); 2 reg[3:0] a, b; 3 reg [3:0] sum; 4 reg carry; 5 6 always @ (a or b) 7 begin...
// Verilog project: Verilog code for N-bit Adder // Verilog code for half adder module half_adder(x,y,s,c); input x,y; output s,c; assign s=x^y; assign c=x&y; endmodule // half adder // fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects ...
王金明:《Verilog HDL 程序设计教程》 - 1 - 【例 3.1】4 位全加器 module adder4(cout,sum,ina,inb,cin); output[3:0] sum; output cout; input[3:0] ina,inb; input cin; assign {cout,sum}=ina+inb+cin; endmodule 【例 3.2】4 位计数器 module count4(out,reset,clk); output[3:0] ...
adder4 adder(sum,cout,a,b,cin); //调用测试对象 always #5 cin=~cin; //设定cin的取值 initial begin a=0;b=0;cin=0; for(i=1;i<16;i=i+1) #10 a=i; //设定a的取值 end - 1 - 程序文本 initial begin for(j=1;j<16;j=j+1) ...
Write the Code using VERILOG, Simulate and synthesize the following: 1. Write structural and dataflow Verilog HDL models for a) 4-bit ripple carry adder. b) 4-bit carry Adder – cum Subtractor. c) 2-digit BCD adder / subtractor.
4. Verification: Reading Simulations 4.1 Finding bugs in code 4.1.1 Mux(Bugs mux2) This 8-bit wide 2-to-1 multiplexer doesn't work. Fix the bug(s). module top_module ( input sel, input [7:0] a, input [7:0] b, output out ); assign out = (~sel & a) | (sel & b); en...
这段code综合出来的电路是什么样的呢? 很明显,这样的电路可以达到设计的目的,但是并不是最优的,大家可以计算一下每个2bit full adder需要多少门,comparator需要多少门,再和之前利用卡诺图方法得出的最简电路比较一下。 那么有什么办法可以优化呢?当然如果你继续对上面的思路进行优化,比如第一级,第二级其实不需要一...