第一种改进的是led文件夹,第二种改进的是CLOCK & led文件夹,若CLOCK & led文件夹的工程文件不能在Quartus II中正常打开,则把文件夹名中的&符号删掉再打开即可 前两种版本的工程内包含文件如下图,第三种的多了一个clock_divider.v:
A clock Divider has a clock as an input and it divides the clock input by two. So for example if the frequency of the clock input is 50 MHz, the frequency of the output will be 25 MHz. In other words the time period of the outout clock will be twice the time perioud of the ...
module testbench; reg rstn; // 复位信号 reg clk; // 输入时钟信号 wire clk_div; // 分频后的时钟信号 // 实例化时钟分频器 clock_divider #( .DIV_NUM(10) // 设置分频比为10 ) uut ( .rstn(rstn), .clk(clk), .clk_div(clk_div) ); initial begin // 初始化信号 rstn = 0; clk =...
由于我们希望CLOCK每秒计数一次,因此必须每秒精确地断言 OneHertz 信号一个周期。使用模 10 (BCD) 计数器和尽可能少的其他门来构建分频器(frequency divider)。还要从您使用的每个 BCD 计数器输出启用信号(c_enable[0] 表示最快的计数器,c_enable[2] 表示最慢的计数器)。 为您提供以下 BCD 计数器。Enable 必...
We have triggered the always block at positive edge of clock and count up to N and then invert the output clock. if (r_nxt == N) begin r_reg <= 0; clk_track <= ~clk_track; endIn the testbench you may try to use a different parameter that will create a different divider when...
// LED Blinking Example by Clock Divider // referencedesigner.com tutorial module clk_div #( parameter WIDTH = 24, // Width of the register required parameter [WIDTH-1:0] N = 24'h989680// That is 10,000,000 in decimal ) /* We will divide 50 MHz by 20,000,000 ( We are ...
单步运算单元设计如下(文件名 divider_cell.v): 实例 // parameter M means the actual width of divisor moduledivider_cell #(parameterN=5, parameterM=3) ( inputclk, inputrstn, inputen, input[M:0]dividend, input[M-1:0]divisor, input[N-M:0]merchant_ci,//上一级输出的商 ...
assign clk_divider=clk_p|clk_n;endmodule 仿真如下: 3. 小数分频 N+0.5分频,如N=3时进行3.5分频。 先将clk时钟周期的一半记作clk_half,即一个高电平或一个低电平时间。 对2*(N+0.5) = 2N+1,这个数一定是奇数,按照奇数分频的思路做,也取clk_p和clk_n,但是计数值不一样,一个计数N个clk时钟周期(...
The figure shows the example of a clock divider. Problem - Write verilog code that has a clock and a reset as input. It has an output that can be called out_clk. The out_clk is also a clock that has a frequency one forth the frequency of the input clock. It has synchronous reset...
2. 时钟分频器(Clock Divider):设计一个电路,将输入时钟信号分频为较低频率的输出信号。 ```verilog module ClockDivider(input clk, output reg clk_out); reg [23:0] counter; always @(posedge clk) begin if (counter == 0) begin counter <= 24000000; // 分频因子,根据具体需求设置 ...