JESD204B接口作为标准串行接口,它在数据转换器和逻辑器件间扮演重要角色,其Subclass 0、1、2的子类差异,反映了信号的不同特性。在设计中,AXI-Lite被用来验证和配置JESD204B接口,监测信号状态和数据传输,比如CGS阶段的SYNC接收和K码发送,以及ILA阶段的多帧结构数据处理和模拟ADC过程。高效通信协议登场...
parameter integer S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 32 )(input wire s_axi_aclk,input wire s_axi_aresetn,input wire [S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] s_axi_araddr,input wire s_axi_arvalid,output reg s_axi_arready,output reg [S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] s_axi_rdata...
•s_axis_config_tready:可以接收配置数据 输入TDATA配置 •s_axis_data_tdata(输入):包括实部...
For example, all elements of an AXI-S interface would share a prefix: foo_valid, foo_ready, and foo_data. Additionally, prefixes should be used to clearly label which signal is in which clock group for any module with multiple clocks. See the section on clock domains for more details. ...
For more information and updates: GitHub repository: Deprecation Notice This repository is superseded by All new features and bug fixes will be applied there, and co...
首先在Vivado Block Design上引入了两个IP模块:一个AXI验证IP(AXI LITE,AXI主模式)模块和一个AXI QUAD SPI IP模块(事务宽度=8,频率比=2,AXI从模式,SPI主模式),如图1所示。 接下来,我通过取消注释 (`define SPEEDSIM;) 的第 218 行(该行最初已被注释掉)来激活“速度模拟”。
UDP协议栈是直接与用户逻辑数据对接的接口,所以对于FPGAS开发者而言,只要知道了UDP协议栈的数据接口,就能在用户侧编写与之对接的时序来控制数据收发,UDP协议栈的接口时序为AXI4-Stream,时序如下: 发送端时序如下: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ clk __/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__ __...
.S_AXI_RREADY(s00_axi_rready) ); // Add user logic here // User logic ends endmodule 再看看模块文件的 veilog 文件. 我们可以在这个文件里实现各种我们想要的功能了, 每个 always 模块都有相应的说明. 下图中把我们刚才在顶层文件里的接口添加进去. ...
Gayathri M (2016) A SV-UVM framework for Verification of SGMII IP Core with reusable AXI to WB Bridge UVC, Proc. 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS Khalifa K (2017) Extendable Generic Base Verification Architecture for Flash Memory Controllers Based...
interface axi4_if; property out_of_order_resp; @(posedge ACLK) disable iff (!ARESETn) BRESP > 2 |-> [1:3] RRESP == BRESP; endproperty endinterface 功耗验证需集成UPF(UnifiedPowerFormat)描述,定义电源域与隔离策略: set_scope tb_top.dut create_power_domain PD_TOP -elements . create_...