extern "C" void set_gpr_ptr(const svOpenArrayHandle r) { cpu_gpr = (uint64_t *)(((VerilatedDpiOpenVar*)r)->datap()); } //gpr dpi-c in verilog import "DPI-C" function void set_gpr_ptr(input logic [63:0] a []); initial set_gpr_ptr(rf); // rf为通用寄存器的二维数组变...
// ctrl+c 可以停止仿真{/***设置vtop仿真的输入信号***/inta=rand()&1;intb=rand()&1;top->a=a;top->b=b;top->clk=!top->clk;// 随着仿真时间倒转clk,产生时钟周期top->eval();//更新电路状态printf("a = %d, b = %d, f = %d\n",a,b,top->f);//按需打印想要的contextp->timeIn...
// top.sv `timescale 1ns/1ps import "DPI-C" function string dpi_waveform_filename(); import "DPI-C" function int dpi_waveform_enable(); module sim_top; bit clk; clock_gen U_clock(.clk); initial begin if (dpi_waveform_enable() != 0) begin automatic string waveform_filename = dp...
Fix DPI import of null C-string (verilator#5179).
*** Add error on DPI functions > 32 bits. (#1898) [Elliot Mednick] *** Fix SystemC compiles with VPI. (#1081) [Arthur Kahlich] *** Fix error on wide numbers that represent shifts, msg1991. (#1088) [Mandy Xu] *** Improve Verilation performance on internal strings. (#1896) ...
它藏身于dv/verilator/simutil_verilator/cpp/verilator_sim_ctrl.cc,里面便声明要使用RAM model中欲导出的两个DPI-C外部函数。 main函数中首先调用SetTop函数把clock和reset接到VerilatorSimCtrl内部。如下面代码所示。 void VerilatorSimCtrl::SetTop(VerilatedToplevel *top, CData *sig_clk, CData *sig_...
// AstCFunc::user3p() -> AstCFunc*, If set, replace ccalls to this func with new func // AstNodeStmt::user3() -> AstNode*. True if to ignore this cell // AstNodeStmt::user4() -> V3Hashed::V3Hash. Hash value of this node (hash of 0 is illegal) ...
Add error on DPI functions > 32 bits. (#1898) [Elliot Mednick] Improve Verilation performance on internal strings. (#1896) [Johan Bjork] Improve Verilation performance on trace duplicates. (#1090) [Johan Bjork] Fix SystemC compiles with VPI. (#1081) [Arthur Kahlich] Fix error on wide...
.c.o -MF /home/hamilton/workspace/d4_decimator_top/logic/verilator_common/build/common_sv/mnc_dpi/CMakeFiles/common_sv_mnc_dpi.dir/get_sim_config_value.c.o.d -o /home/hamilton/workspace/d4_decimator_top/logic/verilator_common/build/common_sv/mnc_dpi/CMakeFiles/common_sv_mnc_dpi....