FPGA设计是无情的,所以我们需要利用能获得的任何软件进行检查。Verilator是一个 Verilog 仿真器,还支持...
Verilator is running my RISC-V processor testbench almost two orders of magnitude more slowly than commercial simulators. I've been told that Verilator is as fast or faster than commercial simulators on other Verilog designs. I presume t...
Whether relocating an installation should be supported is up for discussion, but I would like to report this anyway, at least to record the problem for others. The issue is that bin/verilator (the perl script) uses VERILATOR_ROOT to find...
always@(posedgeclock)beginif(reset)beginsry[32*i+:32]<=0;endelsebeginsry[32*i+:32]<=ra[32*i+:32]+rb[32*i+:32];endend 放置多个“加” genvari;generatefor(i=1;i<=`LANES;i=i+1)beginadd#(.LANES(1))dut(.clock(clock),.reset(reset),.ra(wr_a[32*i-1:32*(i-1)]),.rb(...
在本地完成MapReduce程序的开发后,打包提交到服务器上,然后在命令行使用hadoop jar命令运行,并在运行...
how to build and verify a CPU, as well as how to build slave peripherals that can be controlled by a CPU over a number of bus structures. Such bus structures could includeWishbone (my favorite),AXI-liteAXI, AHB, APB, Avalon, Tilex or I don’t know yet. We’ll have to see what ...
SweRV EH1是WD开发的其中一款RISC-V core,支持RV32IMC,双发射,单线程,9级流水,性能应该说是相当不错,28nm可以跑到1GHz。而且还有份详细的文档,不愧是大厂出品。SweRV是使用Verilog/System Verilog开发,使用AXI接口,对熟悉AMBA且不想去学Chisel及Scala的同学来说是
I found a couple differences betweenVerilatorand Vivado this week: Verilatordoesn’t detect when a wire (or register) is being set in multiple places. Verilatorcan’t always tell the difference between wires and registers. I am aware of a third difference as well: in Xilinx, all unspecified...
(GIGA << 1)*BITS_PER_BYTE; parameter BUFFER_WIDTH = 16; parameter DATA_WIDTH = 4*BUFFER_WIDTH; // ap_uint<64> *i_data which contains 4 different 16-bit data // 2 Gigabyte of data, each contiguous chunk of data is 64-bit parameter NUM_OF_DATA_ENTRIES = NUM_OF_BITS_IN_TWO_...
Thanks for taking the time to report this. I am experiencing strange behavior when trying to read lines from a file into an array one at a time. The file has three lines: 10 11 12 When I run the testbench in Questa, I read them as expect...