It is not Ebay Inc. No one here is able to help you verify your phone number. If you having issues with Payoneer, contact Payoneer. If you having issues with Ebay, contact the customer service provided in your country, at the top of your page. They can help you. Message 2 of 3 ...
1. Choose the platform you want to get verified on - Pick from a list of apps & websites like Airbnb, Coinbase, Discord, Facebook, eBay, Google, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Tinder, WeChat & many more 2. Select the region you want to get verified in - Gain access to thousands ...
Codesverify is a project aimed at improving service of customers who are interested in multiple or single activation of social networks’ accounts, payment systems, microblogs, and many other online services that require confirmation of a registration by a mobile phone number ...
Codesverify is a project aimed at improving service of customers who are interested in multiple or single activation of social networks’ accounts, payment systems, microblogs, and many other online services that require confirmation of a registration by a mobile phone number ...
Here are your options for contacting Ebay Customer Service. Please be aware that for social media CS, you send them a Private Message and briefly explain what your problem or issue is. Feel free to leave your Name, address, phone number and/or your email address in this message. It is ...
The data you specify is stored by eBay with the item for your own reference, but it is not used by eBay in any way. Use ApplicationData to store special information for yourself, such as a part number. For a SKU in an listing, use the SKU element instead. To remove this ...
Get a number easily, no additional charge, and use it immediately. * receive verification code You can receive verification code messages from telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook, tinder, eBay, snapchat and other platforms * support image transmission ...
Whether it's a counterfeit product, a sketchy seller, or a price too good to be true, eBay scams are widespread, so it's important to know how to protect yourself. Fake Escrow: Craigslist Users Beware of This Common Scam Avoid Paying for a Pet via a Cash App Deposit—It's a Scam...
分享2赞 ebay吧 GUOMINGXU88 帐户暂时冻结We wanted to let you know that you have been temporarily restricted from selling and buying on eBay because of concerns about your seller account. This must be frustrating, but measures like these help keep our marketplace safe for everyone. Here’s what...