昨天有一个ASIN断货了,才下单补货来着。一大早醒来就看到了亚马逊的邮件,需要重新审核账户。真的是,这网一都还没过呢,就来这一出,没法子,只能乖乖的去提供证明文件咯,毕竟如果不提交的话,分分钟就停掉账户。 貌似我这次的重新验证,还算是比较简单的,只需要提供一些简单的资料。 说说怎么进行这个身份的再次验证吧...
查看自己是否被审核 点开-设置-账户信息:会有感叹号提醒更新信息 邮件里的关键词:action required:reverify your amazon account 2.本次账号验证需要提交哪些资料?在卖家收到的邮件中有提到,亚马逊正在重新验证卖家身份,相关卖家需在60天内提供以下资料:关于卖家业务的信息卖家的身份信息带照片的身份证银行账户或信...
申请亚马逊个人账号注册未成功显示“Unable to verify account information“ 在“Identity Verification”验证这项,已经提交了清晰的本人身份证正反面和信用卡近3个月盖章的对账单PDF文档,但亚马逊邮件还是反馈“Unable to verify your Selling on Amazon account”具体信息如下, 请问是缺少什么资料?还是其它什么原因? 如果...
申请亚马逊个人账号注册未成功显示“Unable to verify account information“ 在“Identity Verification”验证这项,已经提交了清晰的本人身份证正反面和信用卡近3个月盖章的对账单PDF文档,但亚马逊邮件还是反馈“Unable to verify your Selling on Amazon account”具体信息如下, 请问是缺少什么资料?还是其它什么原因? 如果...
最近,部分卖家收到了以上清退扫号二审的绩效通知,昨天也有卖家朋友表示自己新下的一批亚马逊账号遇到了清退扫号二审。 文人跨境排查了卖家提供的数十个清退扫号二审,核心说明还是在这段话中: We were unable to verify information related to your seller account or did not receive any new information regarding ...
Seller_WuJLX0VhHTubz 4 周前 Verify Identity Hi there. I'm getting nowhere fast. I've been asked to complete my account set-up but need to verify my identity: ("submit a copy of their personal identity document" and "a copy of an additional document that could be a bank account ...
Amoderator responded similarlyon a thread also started on Monday titled, "Amazon Re-verification for a 2ND time." The issue was concerning to sellers over fears their activity could be suspended, like a seller who said they verified their account on May 8th and when they clicked on the banne...
作者:Seller_PPfkh3VviyLIm3 个月前We submitted documents for the verification of the seller’s account for Amazon UK. After few hours we received an answer- We were unable to verify the information you provided when registering for a Selling on Amazon payment account and, as a result, you...
However, my account is not activated. Moreover, Amazon has closed all my stores. Sales in all my stores have stopped. There were dozens of products I submitted for FBA. These are all waiting, about to be destroyed....
- Instant setup via QR code - Supports multiple user accounts and platforms, including Amazon, Facebook, and GitHub - Generates time-sensitive verification codes and single-use passwords either in the app or via push notification - Unlimited account support ...