打开一个verdi——>tools——>coverage;在新打开的界面中选择——>file——>open/add database——>选择相应的.vdb文件——>more options——打开cov.hier文件 注:覆盖率文件为.vdb文件;.hier文件为对应工程目录的层级结构文件,对整理覆盖率有帮助 19 查看包含的设计架构...
Verdi/Coverage tool 学习 第4节(高级篇)声明:资源链接索引至第三方,平台不作任何存储,仅提供信息检索服务,若有版权问题,请https://help.coders100.com提交工单反馈 讲述高级用法。点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 访问所需:1 积分 电信网络访问 访问申明(访问视为同意此申明) 1.全站链接来自网络蜘蛛爬取或网络用户...
引言 一开始我们接触coverage的report通常都是用Synopsys公司的urg指令吃仿真器收集的coverage的database生成urgReport目录,其中包含众多html网页文件,然后… 阅读全文 赞同 5 2 条评论 分享 收藏 VCS/verilator构建运行玄铁C910 格一
With its robust capabilities and connection into the most popular signal database (FSDB), Verdi empowers you to plan, execute and determine coverage of your simulation regressions. Furthermore, Verdi offers world-class debug capabilities to provide you insight into all design and verification flows....
for planning, managing compilation, regression test execution, data collection, reporting and tracking of the design verification process. Automates coverage-driven verification flows, tracks and collects regression results data in a relational database, and supports annotation of coverage results in Verdi...
Verification coverage is a tricky concept. Ideally a definition would measure against how many paths were tested of every possible path through the complete state graph, but that goal is unimaginably out of reach for any typical design. Instead we fall back on proxies for completeness, like hit...
Available add-ons Advanced Security Enterprise-grade security features GitHub Copilot Enterprise-grade AI features Premium Support Enterprise-grade 24/7 support Pricing Search or jump to... Search code, repositories, users, issues, pull requests... Provide feedback We read every pie...
r : read capability for waveform dumping, code coverage, etc w : write access for modifying values through PLI or tcl code c : connectivity access to querying drivers and loads in C or tcl 前面曾经提到过,这些选项将降低仿真的速度。读属性是通常要使用的,它对仿真性能影响非常小。
分享一篇好的verdi教程,文末附本文PDF链接。 前言 Verdi是一个功能强大的debug工具,可以配合不同的仿真软件进行debug,很多企业常用VCS+Verdi或者Xcelium/xrun+Verdi的方式进行代码的仿真与检查。Verdi支持对所有设计和验证流程进行全面的调试。它能够帮助工程师理解复杂和不熟悉的设计行为,让困难和乏味的调试过程自动化,...
With its robust capabilities and connection into the most popular signal database (FSDB), Verdi empowers you to plan, execute and determine coverage of your simulation regressions. Furthermore, Verdi offers world-class debug capabilities to provide you insight into all design and verification flows....