unable to reproduce locally asnext buildsucceeds, it only seems to occur when triggering a deployment on vercel, no matter what I try. info - Checking validity of types... Failed to compile. ./pages/_app.tsx:52:16 Type error: 'Component' cannot be used as a JSX component. Its element...
The inital deployment then failed with the following: [14:53:34.031] Running build in Washington, D.C., USA (East) – iad1 [14:53:34.157] Cloning github.com/nerdo/vercel-corepack-test (Branch: main, Commit: 8cab6fa) [14:53:34.441] Cloning completed: 284.192ms [14:53:34.520] Previou...
@chakra-ui/modal > react-remove-scroll@2.4.0"has incorrect peer dependency"react@^16.8.0".20:42:49.183warning"@chakra-ui/react > @chakra-ui/modal > @chakra-ui/focus-lock > react-focus-lock@2.4.1"has incorrect peer dependency"react@^16.8.0".20:42:49.185warning"@emotion/styled > @emot...
Checks are tests and assertions that run after each deployment has been built. They are powered byIntegrations, which allow you to connect any third-party service of your choice with Vercel. Learn more aboutChecksfor deployments. Status and conclusion ...
img 如上则说明成功。这里之所以设置GitHub密钥原因是,通过非对称加密的公钥与私钥来完成加密,公钥放置...
Checks are tests and assertions that run after each deployment has been built. They are powered byIntegrations, which allow you to connect any third-party service of your choice with Vercel. Learn more aboutChecksfor deployments. Status and conclusion ...
Checks are tests and assertions that run after each deployment has been built. They are powered byIntegrations, which allow you to connect any third-party service of your choice with Vercel. Learn more aboutChecksfor deployments. Status and conclusion ...
Based on the conclusion, a deployment may fail:Conclusionblocking equals to true cancelled Yes failed Yes neutral No succeeded No skipped NoOutputThe output of a check can contain arbitrary data, or can contain Web Vitals and a Virtual Experience Score....
Based on the conclusion, a deployment may fail:Conclusionblocking equals to true cancelled Yes failed Yes neutral No succeeded No skipped NoOutputThe output of a check can contain arbitrary data, or can contain Web Vitals and a Virtual Experience Score....
Based on the conclusion, a deployment may fail:Conclusionblocking equals to true cancelled Yes failed Yes neutral No succeeded No skipped NoOutputThe output of a check can contain arbitrary data, or can contain Web Vitals and a Virtual Experience Score....