The verb ‘are’ is the second-person singular and plural, and third-person plural present tense of the verb ‘be.’ It is used to describe the state of being of the subject in the present tense. Here are some examples:You are a good singer. They are happy....
Present continuous tense is used to describe the actions which are taking place at the moment of speaking. Is / am/ are + Ing form of the verb Give the -ing form of the following verbs. Decide Grow Bring Shine Eat Whenever a verb ends in -e, we drop the e & add -ing to make ...
However, it is challenging to classify psych verbs into any of Vendler’s four aspectual classes because of the “inchoativity” of these verbs. In this study, we take the notion of 'boundary' and its different types as relevant semantic components to describe the internal temporal structure ...
connectingverb,followedbyanadjectivetodescribethestate ofthesubject.Itmeans"see/hear/smell/taste/touch..."Itis. Inadditiontolook,thesubjectofseveralotherverbsisoften theobject,nottheperson. Theseflowerssmellverysweet. Thetomatoesfeelverysoft. Theseverbscanalsobefollowedbyaprepositionlikephrase, ...
Today, we explore verbs and prepositions that appear next to each other in a sentence. Although they may look like phrasal verbs, they do not have an idiomatic meaning. To do this, we will explore what we like to call "social" verb and preposition combinations. They describe how people ex...
such as a high frequency of adverbs, also point to a register effect, but interpretations have a hybrid status and can be located somewhere in the middle, between the register of the source text (parliamentary speech) and unplanned spoken discourse. The results are discussed against the backgrou...