Grant (gr) Allows access to a resource. This verb is paired with Revoke. Allow, Enable Protect (pt) Safeguards a resource from attack or loss. This verb is paired with Unprotect. Encrypt, Safeguard, Seal Revoke (rk) Specifies an action that does not allow access to a resource. Th...
Grant(gr)Allows access to a resource. This verb is paired withRevoke.Allow, Enable Protect(pt)Safeguards a resource from attack or loss. This verb is paired withUnprotect.Encrypt, Safeguard, Seal Revoke(rk)Specifies an action that does not allow access to a resource. This verb is pair...
There have been attempts to shift the burden of meaning of Russian prefixed verbs from stems to prefixes, most notably that of Krongauz (1998), who clearly understood the vulnerability of the traditional approach but, regrettably, did not come up with an appropriate methodological framework to c...
Since the aspect and tense of the narrative realis form are speci-fied by the context, one of the effects of the use of the form in narrative is to express dependency on and cohesion with the verbal forms that express specific events in their semantic structure. PerformativeAnother per...
42). This research focuses on a group that includes verbs whose subject does not control the stimulus of perception. They are called: “passive perception verbs” (Palmer 1966); “stative with experiencer subject verbs” (Lehrer 1990); or “experience verbs” (Viberg 1984). The verbs veure...
Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A Feature Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for future research directions and describes possible research ...
With RE: VENDRE: Je vendrai tu vendras, il/elle/on vendra, nous vendrons, vous vendrez, ils/elles vendront Community Q&A Question How can I learn the passe compose tense in French? Community Answer The passe compose is a compound tense that can be formed by combining the following: ...
We found that the verbs used by mothers in these early interactions were tightly coordinated with the ongoing action and very frequently responsive to infant actions. It is concluded that use of these multimodal strategies could significantly predict the number of spoken verbs in infants' vocabulary ...