When "begin" is used in continuous tenses, an infinitive is used. dread She dreaded taking the test. Usually "dread" is followed by a gerund. He dreaded to think of the consequences of his actions. "Dread" is sometimes used with infinitives such as "think" or "consider." In the senten...
14 = verb followed by a gerund OR an infinitive with little difference in meaning admit He admitted cheating on the test. advise [9] The doctor generally advised drinking low-fat milk. allow [9] Ireland doesn't allow smoking in bars. anticipate I anticipated arriving late. appreciate I ...
by:华语音乐 39 阴晴不定 by:华语音乐 1366 入定不定印经 by:山野伍樵夫 327 不定期的直播 by:朵拉在白夜 9014 【不定时的直播】 by:三冬同学 746 酒馆不定时营业 by:苏兮兮_ 2.3万 ggdd bx声音不定时更 by:卿姝Qing 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑...
Some verbs can be followed by an infinitive or a gerund. Knowing when to use an infinitive and when to use a gerund is difficult. However, the good news is this: verb + infinitive combinations are more common than verb + g...
◂TO-infinitive or gerund: ADVISE, RECOMMEND, ALLOW, PERMIT, FORBID, REQUIRE▴ Verbs followed by the TO-infinitive or gerundTO-infinitive or gerund: FORGET, REMEMBER, REGRET, GO ON, STOP, TRY▸ Rate this page up 578users like this page....
A gerund expresses attitude or opinion about an activity that is actual, is ongoing, is a known activity. After these verbs there is little difference in meaning when followed by a gerund or an infinitive. I love traveling. I prefer dunking my doughnuts. Bob deserves having a day off. I ...
The gerund ends in -ing and functions as a noun. Jumping is fun. The infinitive is the base form of a verb with to. She had a suggestion to offer. A participle is a verb that ends in -ing or -ed, -d, -t, -en, -n. The dancing parrots entertained the crowd. The wrecked sail...
Proposeis followed by the gerund when it means 'suggest': John proposedgoingto the debate but by the infinitive when it means'intend': The Government proposesbringingin new laws.. Stopcan be followed by a gerund or infinitive, but there is a change of meaning - seeGERUND / INFINITIVE?secti...
I like to go to the beach at least once a year. = I like going to the beach at least once a year. Some verbs which can take both forms have a change in meaning depending on whether the verb is followed by thegerund or the infinitive. Here is an explanation of these verbs with ex...
The gerund is commonly used after quite a few different verbs. The most important of these verbs are shown below. All of these verbs can be followed by nouns instead of gerunds. Remember, gerunds always function as nouns in sentences. Some of these verbs