Take a look at these phrasal verbs ending with ‘-ing’ 1 . Pick the most sensible version that includes the '[preposition] + -ING' structure. Reasonably enough, it is illegal in Britain to use a handheld mobile phone ... ... . ...
It’s important to keep in mind that stative verbs describe situations that are unlikely to change. Due to this, stative verbs are typicallynotused in continuous tenses (i.e., with verbs ending with “-ing”), such as thepresent continuousand thepresent perfect continuous. However, there are...
Remember that the present participle tense (which uses verbs with the "-ing" ending) is not the same as the simple present. The simple present describes what is happening repeatedly in the present. For the sentences below, state whether the verb is in the simple present or not. 5. I ...
(2) With verbs ending in “ie”, change “ie” to “y” before “-ing” in the present participle, e.g. die died died dying lie (说谎) lied lied lying (3)With verbs that end in “y” preceded by a consonant, change the “y” to “i” before “-ed”, e.g. dry dried dri...
(2) the verb ending with -ie should first remove e, turn I into y, and then add -ing: Die - dying, tie - tying, vie - vying, lie - lying (3) to -ee, Oe, Ye verbs ending with -ing should be preserved when the final e: See - seeing, flee - fleeing, free - freeing, ...
With verbs ending in ss, x, sh, ch+es dress→ dresses fax→ faxes rush→ rushes watch→ watches Miss Li faxes her boss. She rushes to work. With verbs like can, will, should, must, etc, you do not add-s or-es. Exercise 2 Sally’s mum often goes to the supermarket...
Gerunds often follow verbs that suggest a beginning or ending. The most common examples include the verbs begin, start, and stop. Famous works of American fiction have examples of this structure. The 1988 novel Tracks, wri...
What is a noun with ing? A noun ending in -ing is gerund. A gerund is the -ing form of a verb used as a noun. Gerunds express actions like verbs. However, they function as nouns in sentences. Specifically, they can serve as subject, direct object, indirect object, or object of a...
In verbs ending withconsonant + vowel + consonant, you should double the final consonant before adding -ing. Examples: run - Hurry up! We’re running out of time. hop - She’s hopping on one leg. beg - I’m begging you to come home. ...
Any time you see a verb ending in “ing”, a helping verb usually accompanies it. Sometimes other words separate the helping verb and main verb in the sentence. The word “not” is an example. “Sarah couldn’t run as fast as Beth.”Here the word “not” separates the helping verb ...