Verbs ending in ch, sh, ss or x -y+ies study studying Verbs ending in ch, sh, ss or x +es watch watc 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 do;does 简单现在时态中,使用助动词 "do" 来构成第一、第二人称和第三人称复数的否定句和疑问句,使用 "does" 来构成第三人称单数的否定句和疑问句。当动词以...
‘-es’ to verbs ending in ‘-sh’, ‘-ch’, ‘-ss’, ‘-x’, ‘-z’ and ‘-o’: 如果动词的结尾是「-sh」、「-ch」、「-ss」、「-x」、「-z」或「-o」则加 上「-es」: finish→finishes Remove ‘-y’ and add ‘-ies’ to verbs ending in ‘-y’: 如果动词的结...
Most nouns + s abook –books Nouns ending in aconsonant +y - y+ ies a story—stories Nouns ending in s,sh, ch or x + es a glass—glasses a watch-watches Nouns ending in o+s or +es a piano—pianos a mango—mangoes Nouns ending in for fe - f or fe +ves a knife –knives a...
It is a very soft ‘t’ sound such as in ‘carrot.’ The same /t/ sound needs to be made with verbs that end in the following consonants: ‘p’, ‘k’, ’f’, ‘s’, ‘ch’, ‘sh’, ‘x’ and ‘th’. Examples of this are ‘washed’, ‘mixed’, ‘dropped’, and ‘...
Verbs ending in-ch, -s, -sh, -x, or-zform the third-person singular by adding-es(watches,misses,rushes,mixes,buzzes). Verbs ending in a consonant +y(such astry) form the third-person singular by changing theytoiand adding-es(tries). ...
With verbs ending in ss, x, sh, ch+es dress→ dresses fax→ faxes rush→ rushes watch→ watches Miss Li faxes her boss. She rushes to work. With verbs like can, will, should, must, etc, you do not add-s or-es. Exercise 2 Sally’s mum often goes to the supermarket...
Verbsendingin–e:Weonlyadda–d.LIVELIVED.Verbsendingin–y:-precededbyavowel.PLAY-PLAYED.-precededbyaconsonant(changeyto–iandadd–ed).STUDY-STUDIED.REGULARVERBS PRONUNCIATIONOFFINAL"-ed“Afteravoicelessconsonantsound(sh/s/ch/p/k /f)wepronouncethe“ed”as/t/:kiss/s/-kissed/t/ ...
For verbs ending in -ch, -x, -th, -ss, -sh, or -z, simple present tense is formed by simply adding -es. Examples: breach – breaches fix – fixes badmouth – badmouths express – expresses crash – crashes buzz – buzzes
Vria -Vramos -abais -Vremos -erais -ieran -Vriais 10 -Vsteis -ieras -i~ramos -ieron -Vriamos -iamos -remos 8 -VrAis -Vr~is 10 Infinitive An infinitive in Spanish is a verb ending in a (compatible) suffix -~, -~, or -ir from the above list, or the word ir 'to go'....
Regular Verbs 规则动词 base -s form past past participle 过去分词 -ing form notes call calls called called calling clean cleans cleaned cleaned cleaning look looks looked looked looking 1 talk talks talked talked talking 1 end ends ended ended ending 2 wait waits waited waited waiting 2 kiss ...