Other irregular verbs with past participle ending in -n PresentPastPast participle eatateeaten fallfellfallen givegavegiven shakeshookshaken taketooktaken In the above list of irregular verbs, each irregular verb changes for both past and past participle. Use these patterns to help you memorize the...
Added Started,finished,washed,helped,listened,watched Verbsendingine,addonlyd Lived,cared,died,dated,shared Changetheytoiandadded Dried,cried,fried,married,spied Don’tchangetheytoijustaddedPrayed,played,stayed,destroyed CVCrule:doublethefinalconsonant&added Stopped,robbed,lobbed,napped Donotdoublefinalworx...
watched Verbs ending in e, add only d Lived, cared, died, dated, shared Change the y to i and add ed Dried, cried, fried, married, spied Don’t change the y to i just add ed Prayed, played, stayed, destroyed CVC rule: double the final consonant & add ed Stopped, robbed, lobbed...