When verbs end in two or more consonants, **b we add ing.** 2. When verbs end in an e, **c we cut the vowel and add ing.** 3. When short verbs end in a vowel and a consonant, **a we double the consonant and add ing.**...
Verbs +-ing / verbs + infinitive But the words in order to make the sentences.1 television / 1/ watching / enjoy I enjoy watcni: teievision.2 sister / to / clnema / my / the / going/prefers3 come / promised / my / he / to / party /to4 mind / cooking / don't / I5 cou...
Present participles end -ing. Past participles have various endings (e.g., -ed, -en). Here are some more participles: VerbPresent ParticiplePast Participle to sing singing sung to drive driving driven to go going gone to rise rising risen to watch watching watched to be being been...
Gerunds all end in -ing: skiing, reading, dancing, singing, etc. Gerunds act like nouns and can serve as subjects or objects of sentences. They can be created using active or helping verbs:I like swimming. Being loved can make someone feel safe. Do you fancy going out? Having read the...
【一分钟英语最新合集】16-16-5 ways to use 'actually' - English In A Minute 72 2023-09 7 【一分钟英语最新合集】56-56-How do real people talk about things they don't like 44 2023-09 8 【一分钟英语最新合集】57-57-How do you disagree with people ...
括弧其实imagine算是Wl的高频词,还有No No, Thank you,dreams come true ,until the end of time神马的...但这几首都不好听。再括弧我也把the who的<imagine a man>还有Savage Garden的扔了 因为Top Verb Songs不单要满足歌词党的品位,还得满足旋律党的口味才行。 回复 举报|13楼2011-10-06 23:48 ...
As usual in English, there are a couple of exceptions to this rule, as outlined below. First Exception Verbs which end in an /i:/ (“ee”) sounddonotdrop the final e. Examples be: She’sbeingvery secretive these days. see: Are youseeingthings?
The -ing forms of the verbs are: * do - doing * study - studying * listen - listening 1. Identify the verbs: The verbs in the list are 'do,' 'study,' and 'listen.' 2. Apply the -ing rule: To form the -ing form of most verbs, simply add -ing to the base form. 3. Co...
If a verb end in e, drop the e and add -ing.live-livingleave-leaving3. If a verb ends in ie change the ie to y.4. If a verb ends in y just add -ing.study-studying fly-flyingWrite sentences in the present continuous tense Tell something that ishappening now. Usethese verbs.1....
(2) With verbs ending in “ie”, change “ie” to “y” before “-ing” in the present participle, e.g. die died died dying lie (说谎) lied lied lying (3)With verbs that end in “y” preceded by a consonant, change the “y” to “i” before “-ed”, e.g. dry dried dri...