Modal verbs in Catalan 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 78 作者: M. Carme Picallo 摘要: In this paper it is argued that Catalan sequences of a (semi)-modal verb and an infinitive, which are traditionally known as RESTRUCTURING CONSTRUCTIONS, should be analyzed as base-generated mono...
▸English, Russian, Ukrainian, French, Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Farsi, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian, Italian, Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Bosnian, Japanese, Greek, Czech, Slovak, Macedonian, Hebrew, Slovenian , Dutch, Norwegian, Catalan, Belarusian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish...
▸English, Russian, Ukrainian, French, Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Farsi, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian, Italian, Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Bosnian, Japanese, Greek, Czech, Slovak, Macedonian, Hebrew, Slovenian , Dutch, Norwegian, Catalan, Belarusian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish...
English, Arabic, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turk...
English, Arabic, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turk...
Azeriqırmaq,parçalamaq,sındırmaqCatalanrompre,trencar Danishbryde,brækkeDutchbreken,dresseren,losbreken,stukgaan,stukmaken EnglishbreakEsperantodispecigi,elrompi,rompiĝi EstonianmurdmaFaroesebróta Frenchbriser,casser,déferler,ébriquer,leverGermanabknicken,brechen,bröckeln,kaputtmachen...
1 In Catalan, some of the components have two associated verbs: veure and mirar for sight or sentir and escoltar for hearing. The main meanings of these lexical pairs show differences that have been generally described in numerous studies on verbs of perception: these types of verbs can be ...
A well-known example is represented by the epistemic use of the future in substandard Catalan, which can codify supposition even in the absence of the modal auxiliary; see, e.g., (colloquial) Cat. Tindrá raó‘He must be right’ (Cruschina and Ledgeway 2016, p. 560). However, lexical...
Example in CatalanTranslation in English liderar Bronisław Komorowski, que ha intervingut perliderarel país fins a les properes eleccions, ha tranquil·litzat els polonesos en el seu discurs oficial : Avui, estem units sota la llum d’aquest drama nacional.Bronisław Komorowski, who step...
Early Verbs and the Acquisition of Tense Feature in Spanish and Catalan. En J. Munoz Liceras & A. T. Perez Leroux (Eds.), The Acquisition of Spanish Morphosyntax: the L1/L2 Connection (pp. 1-31). Dordrecht: Kluwer.en prensa): «Early Verbs and the Acquisition of Tense Feature in ...