In the 1800s, Entwicklung began to be used as areflexive verb. UN-2 La formareflexivadelverbosadar sirve como base paraelsustantivo histadruth, que significa “organización.” Thereflexiveform of theverbsadarʹ serves as the basis for the noun histadruthʹ, which means “organization.”...
Infatti, il suo ruolo di primo referente della filiazione semitica (lato sensu), dalla quale è poi sorto l’Ebraismo, risulta proprio dall’etimo: aâdâm, man, mankind Ö dm, blood, da cui adêm, be red, adumym, ruddy, red of a man oppure ebr. ed ar. adm, tawny ovvero...
In the 1800s, Entwicklung began to be used as a reflexive verb. UN-2 La forma reflexiva del verbo sadar sirve como base para el sustantivo histadruth, que significa “organización.” The reflexive form of the verb sadarʹ serves as the basis for the noun histadruthʹ, which mean...