Alessio has requested that I speak the irregular verbs. Common crawl los novelistas franceses, los poetas ingleses,las fórmulas matemáticas y de física y los verbos irregulares English poets, mathematical formulae, physics and irregular verbs opensubtitles2 A Willow no le pueden preocupar...
Conjugación del verbo regular 'to sell' en inglés en Subjunctive Pluperfect 0 8 词汇卡 缺乏 开始学习 下载mp3 打印 玩 检查自己 问题 答案 I [to sell] 1. persona singular, pluperfect, subjunctive I had sold you [to sell] 2. persona singular, pluperfect, subjunctive you h...
3. persona singular, present, conditional she would profit it [to profit] 3. persona singular, present, conditional it would profit we [to profit] 1. persona plural, present, conditional we would profit you [to profit] 2. persona plural, present, conditional...