根据文中倒数第三段when someone puts his/her thumb up, it means “Everything is all right.” However, in Sardinia and Greece, the gesture is insulting (侮辱)and should not be used there.可知,在希腊,竖起大拇指有侮辱的意思。所以选C。考点:考查生活类短文阅读。
【解析】【语篇分析】1.根据上文"V erbal(言语的)communication iswhat most people use to express what they want to say."可知,大多数人都会用语言来表达他们想说的话,但是如果我们所说的语言别人听不懂呢2.根据下文"T hey may have some videos of anative who is teaching foreigners to speak hislan...
Communication refers to the term used to explain the exchange of thoughts, suggestions, and ideas between two or more individuals. Without communication, no one can understand one's feelings and thoughts. It is needed to make a connection between individuals in soc...
Verbal intercultural communication happens when people from different ___ communicate with each other by using ___.的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(shuashuati.com)是专业的大学职业搜题找答案,刷题练习的工具.一键将文档转化为在
VCtakesplacewhenuniversitystudentsarecomposinganarticle,finishingaprofessor’sassignmentoncampus,theemployeesarewritingareportttotheirmanagersinacompanybyemail.8 Attributesofverbalcommunication AttributesAttributes canexpressallkindsofideaswewanttoexpress cankeepanddisseminateinformation.canbemoreclarifiedandefficientthan...
【题目】Nonverbal(非语言的)CommunicationWhen you are in another country, it is importan to know the language, but t is equally important toknow how to communicate nonverbally. Befor saying anything, peoplecommunicate nonverbally bymaking gestures. According to an investigation(调查),only 30 to ...
Verbal(言语的) communication is what most people use to expresspicture of the place you're going to. So, in this case, you should preparewhat they want to say.I When no one speaks your language and youpictures of common things and the places you'll be going to just in casebadly need...
1.Nonverbal (非语言的) communication has to do with gestures,movements and closeness of two people when they are talking.The scientists say that those gestures,movements and so on have meaning which words do not carry. For example,the body distance between two speakers can be important.North ...
熟悉单元词汇 An excellent salesperson is requested to be aggressive and good at communicating with other people in today’s competitive society.Communication,which involves various interactions,helps to improve the relationship.He needs to have good judgement and be used to dealing with all kinds of ...
Unit three Verbal communication 把外国人考哭的中文四级试题 1、甲:您吃了么? 乙:没呢! 问:这段对话最可能发生在那儿? A.厕所 B.澡堂子 C.胡同口儿 2、甲:你怎么还没到? 乙:堵车堵得我头都晕了。 甲:快点儿,再不来大嘴巴抽你。 问:乙为什么没到? A.头晕 B.堵车 C.怕甲大嘴巴抽他 把外国人...