Is Self-Harming Addictive? Why Do Teenagers Cut Themselves? 5 Steps for Recovering From the Trauma of a Narcissistic Parent Signs of Sexual Abuse, Molestation, and Wrongful Touch of Children 5 Reasons Moms Get Jealous of Their Daughters (and Is It Okay?) ...
Verbal abuse is the onlytype of abusethat can affect every single person with any type of communication ability or understanding. You may be assaulted byverbal abuse at work, at home, at school, on the road, or walking through a park, and there is nothing you can do to prevent it. You...
The verbal abuser has no empathy for others, and cannot put himself in another person’s shoes to imagine how they might feel. If you express that you are feeling sad, he will say “Grow up! It’s not that big of a deal!” Whatever you are feeling, he cannot empathize with it and...
I abhor violence in any form yet I have hit my husband – I have been careful about verbal abuse because I have always been aware of the damage of words and not being able to take things back – I also believe that one is responsible for the all words they utter (in all situations)...
My husband attacks whatever I WANT to be (a rational thinker, a great mother and wife, a loyal partner). If there is not an obscene name for it, he simply tells me I am the opposite of what I want to be. When we experience a string of arguments or abusive conversations (aka "bad...
I have been married for 17 years and with my verbally/emotionally abusive husband for nearly 21 years. After 18 years, I had a nervous breakdown. Once on medication, I began to have clarity on what was the cause of so much anguish and confusion: him. It got to the point where I wa...
I have been married 21 years and have been seeing a counselor for a while. It took her a year before I could see that I was in an abusive relationship, and that my husband's verbal abuse wasn't ``all my fault.`` We separated last year, but we have three children. Was separation...
I have been married for 17 years and with my verbally/emotionally abusive husband for nearly 21 years. After 18 years, I had a nervous breakdown. Once on medication, I began to have clarity on what was the cause of so much anguish and confusion: him. It got to the point where I wa...