1. 你老师没有说错 going to + verb可表达一个未来的arrangement (安排) 或schedule (行程)plan亦是安排之一种 所以可以用 present continuous tense去表达 举些例句给你 I am going to get acodation in Palace Hotel during my business trip to USA (下榻Palace Hotel是一个安排 所以用going ...
THE PHRASAL VERB TYPE ‘TO HAVE A LOOK’ IN MODERN ENGLISH Overuse or underuse: A corpus study of English phrasal verb use by Chinese, British and American university students
right size/type [intransitive, transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses) to be the right shape and size for somebody/something I tried the dress on but it didn't fit. That jacket fits well. My shoes fit perfectly. a close-fitting dress fit somebody/something I can't find...
compound subject– n. a type of subject where two or more individual noun phrases are coordinated to form a single, larger noun phrase. gerund– n. verbal that ends in -ing and functions as a noun. collective noun– n...
Verb Type1 The Base Form (aka "Simple Form" or "Uninflected Form")2 The -S Form (aka "Third Person Singular Present Tense Form")3 Past Form (aka "The Past Tense Form")4 The -ING Form (aka thePresent ParticipleForm5 ThePast ParticipleForm ...
type write plan A-1 B-1 C-2 • 4. Do you • A. work steadily and ( ) through your exams? or • B. ( ) through you exams despite ( ) away all year? or • C. Just do enough to ( ) by? • Beaver get sail scrape ...
Describe the bug Httpclient.send(RequestMessage,Responsemessage) not working, prompts error 'Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type' To Reproduce Steps and to reproduce the behavior: Go to '...' Uri := 'https://XXXX/xxxxx'; Conte...
Verb Patterns There are also many verb patterns that are common in English. When two verbs are used, it is especially important to notice which form the second verb takes (infinitive - to do - base form - do - verb ing - doing)....
But う-verbs are where you’re going to have to memorize some extra rules depending on which consonant comes before the final う.Take a look:Past Plain FormVerb TypeRuleExample: HiraganaRomanized る-verbs Drop る and add ~た 食べる → 食べた taberu → tabeta...
Modal verbs are a type of auxiliary verb. They show ability, possibility, obligation, and permission. When you use this type of verb, the verb that follows it must be in its base form.