French Conditional Practice 5個詞語 mooserok1213 預覽 french requiz 16個詞語 isabellamidura 預覽 Irregular Verbs’ Future Tense beginnings 15個詞語 br27706 預覽 French passe compose avoir 24個詞語 lilygracem0617 預覽 Irregular verbs au passé composé 老師20個詞語 jdewit13 預覽 Conjugaisons irréguli...
Future tense 4 Future Perfect tense 不知道嗎? 本學習集中的詞語(10) To Be Sing: is Plural: are To Have Sing: has Plural: have To Be Sing: was Plural: were To Do Sing: does Plural: do Present tense is, are, am Presnt Perfect tense Has been, have been Past tense Was, were Past...
For spelling practice,the website Quizletis helpful. It lets you create lists of vocabulary words and then practice spelling them. Avoiding Conjugation Oftentimes, learners rely on the present tense for every situation. Or, they avoid specific tenses, like the present perfect. When you begin lear...
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb sentirse. Say the sentence. Example:Nos ___ engañados. - We feel cheated. Answer:Nossentimosengañados. 1. Me ___ muy mal. I feel very bad. 2. ¿Te ___ feliz hoy? Do you feel happy today? 3. Me ___ muy bien. I f...
Future tense verbs for test 22個詞語 MikaAccardi 預覽 French verbs de l’infinitif 14個詞語 carinazheng27 預覽 French: Forming questions (does not include tag questions) 12個詞語 BleuJay18 預覽 FLR 2010 Recevoir/ Apercevoir Practice 38個詞語 maryam2659 預覽 Leçon 12 QUIZ il est / elle es...
distinguir to distinguish extinguir to extinguish convencer to convince ejercer, ejerzo to practice (a profession) vencer, venzo to overcome elegir, elijo to correct torcer, tuerzo to twist dar to give haber to have hacer to do, to make...
Imperfect Tense and Se Constructions in Spanish 14個詞語 Lavanya_Jain71 預覽 Senderos 1-Hola, Que tal? 老師46個詞語 Srta_Morales 預覽 Lecciones de Comida y Vocabulario en Español 58個詞語 hubba_bubble72 預覽 Final practice 老師12個詞語 djexon003 預覽 La Llorona de Mazatlán/Capítulos 1 ...
開始學習ETER and ELER verb conjugation present tense (semi regular verbs)。利用單詞卡、遊戲和其他學習工具來學習字彙、詞語等項目。
單詞卡學習集 學習指南 ingenosite humaine phrases 10個詞語 CADC Sample Exam 老師167個詞語 Chapter 19 69個詞語 Graphic Design - Chapter 8 29個詞語 Common French Verbs and Their Conjugations 56個詞語 6a vocab 43個詞語 這個學習集的練習題
RobertSimmondsTeacher Top creator on Quizlet· Share Common verbs as they appear in a dictionary Students also studied Study guides Les Regions de la France Teacher14 terms armasitalian Preview French Present Tense Regular Verbs Teacher36 terms MsPetersatKenner Preview French Writing Exam 13 terms ...