Verb Conjugations in Real Sentences Along with each verb entered, you'll see real sentences translated into English and Spanish that show the verb in context. Many of the sentences contain audio, allowing you to hear pronunciation from a native speaker. ...
Contar – to count; to bear in mind; to tell Contemplar – to contemplate; to treat well Contener – to contain Contentar – to satisfy Contestar – to answer, reply Continuar – to continue Contraer – to contract Contraponer – to compare, counter with Contrastar – to resist; to cont...
The verb LLEVAR is very common, very useful and trying to translate it with one word would lead to a lot of confusion. When I came to Spain it almost always occurred in the first few minutes when meeting someone. ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas aquí? (How long have you been here?) and it ...
The following eight verbs have irregular familiar commands in the affirmative: decir – di salir – sal hacer – haz ser – sé ir – ve tener – ten poner – pon venir – ven Note that these irregularities only occur with affirmative tú commands. As with all other verbs, to form negati...
To conjugate regular -ar, -er and -ir verbs in the conditional, simply add one of the following to the infintive: ía ías ía íamos íais ían Here are all three regular conditional verb forms together: Here are the previous examples, translated to Spanish. ...
For example, pseudo-copulative COS verbs in Spanish include verbs [1] such as hacer(se)‘to make(cl)’, volver(se)‘to turn(cl)’, poner(se)‘to put(cl)’, and quedar(se)‘to remain(cl)’, whereas in English, the list includes similar verbs, such as become, get, and turn but...
poner verbs predecir verbs- no code given querer raer corroer salir tener verbs- no code given traer verbs- no code given prevaler venir verbs- no code given entrever yacer abolir balbucear desolar solerI'm not certain how to classify the irregular verbs listed below: adecuar - to adapt...
In Spanish, nearly all of the irregular past participles end in-choor-to:dicho, fromdecir(to say);hecho, fromhacer(to make or to do);puesto, fromponer(to put); andvisto, fromver(ver). Here are some of the most commonirregular past participlesin Spanish: ...
Al usar la APP con el lector de pantalla VoiceOver con IOS 14.7, en la pestaña de verbos favoritos, al poner el foco del revisor de pantalla sobre uno de los verbos, la APP se cierra súbitamente. more s.m.escot , 17/12/2015 Bien a medias En mi iPhone va bien, pero en...
I learnt quite quickly the most used Spanish verbs that are all irregular; ser ’to be’, estar ’to be’, ir ’to go’, tener ’to have’, haber ’to have’, poner ’to put’, etc. But the more I learnt the more new irregular verbs. So I bought my first verb conjugation book...