Toconjugatea regular French-erverb, remove the -erending from the infinitive to reveal the verb's stem. Then add the regular-erendings to the stem. Note that all regular-erverbs share conjugation patterns in all tenses and moods. Below are all the simple conjugations of the verbrater.The ...
Participer("to participate, take part, partake, share") is aregular French-erverbthat shares conjugation patterns in all tenses and moods with every other regular French verb ending in-er, by far the largest group of French verbs.To conjugateparticiper, remove the-erending to reveal the stemp...
Aller (to go) conjugation charts in French with present tense, passé composé, imperfect, future, conditional and subjunctive tenses with example sentences.
Example sentence of the French verbaimerconjugated in theimperfect indicativetense: Elle aimait jouer dans le parc. She liked playing in the park. Future Tenseconjugations ofaimer futur j'aimerai - I will like or love tuaimeras - you will like or love (familiar or informal) ...