P211211. Learn English Vocabulary Words Ending in -FUL 05:43 P212212. Learn English Vocabulary Words Ending in -LESS 06:08 P213213. 20 English Collocations with the Word GOAL 03:19 P214214. Learn English Phrases with the Word TIME 07:43 P215215. Learn Interesting English Heteronyms 10...
Remember that we add -s to the verb after he, she or it. How- 记住:我们在 he,she或 it后的动词上 ever, there are some exceptions: 加-s。 但是,有一些例外: Most verbs +S like likes playplays 大部分动词 Verbs ending in a consonant+y -y+ies study→ studies fly→flies 以辅音字母+...
Negativesentence:S+wasn’t/weren’t(wasnot/werenot)+S+didn’t+VerbinOriginalForm GeneralQuestionsentences:Was/Were+S…?Did+S+VerbinOriginalForm…?Regularverbs Spellingrulesbaseform+ed verbsendingin-e+d verbsendinginaconsonant+y changeyi+edSomeverbsendinginasingleconsonant+thesecondlastletterisavowel...
ending in --ing) eg:-speaking in the sentence:-I prefered speaking alone.It me the act of speaking thoughts in this way=soliloquy=monologue:-"To be or not to be ..." is the playwright's use of soliloquy=monologue. Words that expresses an action such as can dare depend en...
Gerund, a verb form ending in -ing, behaves like a noun in a sentence. Examples include: I hate shopping, Smoking is a bad for your health, She is good at painting.Gerund VS Present participle Gerund, in the form "She's good at painting", highlights the activity. In ...
Some common adjectives and pronouns are always singular. Indefinite pronouns ending in –body, -one, and –thing are never plural. For example, “Everyone who drives to work faces heavy traffic.” Distributive words like each...
Names of diseases ending in-sare mostly treated as singular, but there are a few such names (asmeaslesandrickets)which canbe used either as singular or as plural.Game names ending in-sare generally used as singular with the exception ofcardswhich is usually treated as plural. 2)Subject nam...
The other form of Resultative Verb Ending (RVE) shows the possible results of an action: zhè běn shū wǒ kàn dé wán. 這本書我看得完。/这本书我看得完。 I am able to finish reading this book. The particle 得 dé in this sentence shows that there is a possibility that the Func...
For godan verbs ending in る, there is a slight difference: みるsee ➜ みられる is seen (passive), but みれる can see (potential) Note that in Japanese, the passive form is often used to increase the level of politeness, and in some cases, English does not have an equivalent pass...
6、A verb or verb form in the perfect tense. 7、Change the verb to Create. 8、What verb captures your intent? 9、a singular verb, noun, ending 10、"Can" is a modal verb. 11、This "tank" is a verb. 12、The verb "gamble" itself is very common. 13、See page 24(verb pattern 13...