Verb Classes Within and Across Languages - Levin - 2011 () Citation Context ...erbal alternations in general is that object alternations are found with manner and not result verbs (manner and result, respectively, are entailed by the verbs in all contexts RH&L 1998; Levin 2006; =-=Levin ...
Verb senses are often assumed to distinguish among different conceptual event categories. However, senses misrepresent the number of event categories expressed both within and across languages and event categories may be "named" by more than a word, i.e. a multi-word expression. Determining the ...
1 illustrates another criterion, namely that the meaning of arguments often depends on the particular verb, while adjuncts maintain their interpretation (e.g. locative, temporal, manner) across a wide variety of verbal heads [15], [16]. See [17], [18] for computational approaches to ...
The mean C-test scores increased across groups regardless of the genre. A factorial ANOVA confirmed a statistical main effect of Proficiency (F(2, 384) = 1,341.84, p < 0.001, ηp2ηp2 = 0.88). A post hoc Tukey HSD showed statistical differences between all three proficiency groups. ...
The 33 most effective productivity hacks I’ve come across in 10 years Most productivity advice is essentially always the same. If you’re new to self-help, you will be familiar with the most important concepts after reading this post. It will sum up the best advice I have found reading ...
In the existing Athabaskan literature, the morphological and semantic properties of the imperfective and perfective prefbces, as weil as their distribution across the verb corpus, are not considered in any detail. The goal of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of the morphosemantic dist...
英汉移动动词“走”walk的认知对比分析-a cognitive contrastive analysis of the english and chinese mobile verb.docx,承诺书本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本学位论文的研
Situational/lexical training pairings (e.g., location-salient + L-transitive; location-salient + T-transitive) were counterbalanced across participants and verbs, as was LT/TL order of warm-up and locative prime sentences. Order of presentation of verbs was rotated between lists, and training ...
A binary classification may not be able to capture a property like semantic transparency that is inherently graded. In contrast to the binary paraphrase definitions, the interrater variability of the semantic association test is graded, and the interrater reliability may provide a stronger tool to ...
The acceptability depends on semantic properties of the complement, and, as we explore below, may generalize in consis- tent ways across semantically similar (complement) verbs, as in give a cry, give a moan, give a howl; *take a cry, *take a moan, *take a howl. Many interesting ...