V1 is the base form, V2 is for past actions, V3 is used for perfect tenses, V4 shows ongoing actions, and V5 is for third-person singular in the present tense. Each form helps us express time and action clearly. This chart outlines the different verb forms: V1, V2, V3, V4, and ...
A chart to summarize the three groups: Irregularverbs/V3 来る 来る(kuru/to come) する する(suru/to do) Kanji+する 勉強する(benkyousuru/to study) Ru-verbs / V2 A kana from い/えcolumn +る 寝る(neru/to sleep) 食べる(taberu/to eat) 着る(kiru/to wear) U-verbs / V1 Most ve...
The best way to do it is to chart out the different conjugation patterns for a verb and practice them in a sentence.Like this:食べる, taberu, “to eat” Polite form 食べます tabemasu Plain form 食べる taberu Past polite 食べました tabemashita Past plain 食べた tabeta Negative polite...