一、述词一般过去式的形式 英语中绝大多数述词(verb) 都可以通过在词尾加 -ed 变成一般过去式(past simple form). 例如: called, wanted, cheated, finished 但是英语中也有很多述词的一般过去式不是通过在词尾加 -ed 变成的,这类变化属于不规则的词形变化。例如:
6* Past Perfect, Past Continuous and Past Simple Find the mistakes in the verb forms and correct them.This man stopped a drunken driver. But he's the one in trouble with the police.Jason Turner thought he did the Turner had shouted at the other stopping him. " The police did right thi...
Put the verb into the past continuous or past simple.1 A: What was the weather like when yougot (get) up this morning B: It was raining. (rain).2 A: Was Jane busy when you went to see her? B: Yes, she(study).3 A:(Paul/call) you this morning? B: Yes, he(call) while ...
the past participleor-edform, e.g.worked,taken(in regular verbs this takes the same form as the past, but in irregular verbs it can be different, e.g.took,taken.); the-ingform, e.g.working,taking; the third ...
The past simple is used frequently in daily English and academic English. It has two main uses: Actions that occurred in the past (Igrew upin London) Actions that occurred repeatedly in the past (Iwalkedto school every day) You can see from my examples here how this would be very helpful...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments ...
6★★★ Past Perfect, Past Continuous and Past SimpleFind the mistakes in the verb forms and correct them.This man stopped a drunken driver But hes the one in trouble with the police.Jason Turner thought he did theTurner had shouted at the otherstopping him." The police didright thing whe...
(indicating a completed action in the past) The sun rose in the east this morning. (indicating a completed action in the past)It’s worth noting that the simple past is often used in combination with time expressions such as yesterday, last night, ago etc. to indicate that the action or...
Wewill playfootball in the backyard. My niecewill skipdown the road. Perfect Verb Tenses English verbs also have three perfect verb tenses: present perfect tense, past perfect tense, and future perfect tense. These tenses are pretty cool, I guess, but I'm not sure that I'd call themperfe...
现在完成时一般不可和具体表示过去的时间状语如just now, a minute ago, yesterday, last year等连用,但是可和just, recently, often, before, never, always, already, in the past等笼统表示过去的时间状语连用.如: He has just 14、 gone. Have you been here before? I have always liked him. I ...