Features Microsoft Corp.'s Windows NT Workstation 5.0, beta desktop operating system. Plug and play, and convention power management features; Installation problems; Product support and compatibility; ...
Focuses on several NT workstations for graphics. How the Compaq Professional Workstation XP1000, IBM Intellistation, Intergraph TDZ 2000 ViZual Workstation and SGI Visual Workstation handles graphics; Advantages of the NT arch...
States that the Intel Xeon processor should extend the performance of Windows NT workstations and enable them to compete more effectively against Unix-based RISC workstations. Why the high end of the workstation market is likely...
Reports on Silicon Graphics Inc.'s January 1999 unveiling of its Visual Personal Computers, which include a host of proprietary graphics technologies. Visual PC's use of the Cobalt chip set for three-dimensional graphics p...
Reports on the sale of Pentium- and RISC-based personal computers (PC) running Windows NT in 1994. Share in the workstation market; `Inside the New Computer Industry' study by International Data Corp.; Growth potential of h...
SGI NT pentium workstations feature style and speedSilicon Graphics Inc. breaks with their tradition of Unix-only computers by introducing two models, Model 320 and Model 540, based on the Pentiu...