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DasatinibThe article describes the case of an older woman who experienced gastroenteritis and acute renal failure during treatment with dasatinib for chronic myeloid leukemia.Reactions Weekly
BUZZCUTSPresents news briefs in the U.S. as of September 2003. Features of the Web site joopdog.com; Rank of Los Angeles, California in a survey conducted by "Travel & Leisure" magazine on favorite cities; Expansion of the pet food line of Natural Balance.Los Angeles ...
President Herbert Hoover; Publication of an official documents by the British government on the slave trade in children in China; Complaints against the appointment of Charles F. Rathburn as special assistant state's attorney in charge of the invest...
MUSICPresents a schedule of musical events in New York City between April 11 and 20, 1988. "Lulu" staged by the Metropolitan Opera; Charles Dutoit conducting a Dutilleux-Ravel-Stravinsky program of the New York Philharmonic; Recital of the Guarneri Quartet in an all-Beethoven program.new ...
Present figures from the presidential election, where Bill Clinton won 43 percent of the popular vote to George Bush's 39 percent and Ross Perot's 19 percent. Clinton rolled up pluralities or majorities in most major demographic groups...
Clayton Schenck retired in December from Montana's Legislative Fiscal Division. Some lawmakers in New Jersey are petitioning MTV to cancel the show "Jersey Shore," believing such to be offensive to the American Italian community.state legislatures...
2007 KAWASAKI KX450FThe article evaluates the 2007 Kawasaki KX450F motorcycle.Dirt Bike
Library CornerPresents a reference on the special features of the October 2001 issue of the 'Journal of Environmental Health.' Details on health ecology; Principles and practice of public health surveillance; Information on the Food Safety Law.Journal of Env...