The Umbrella Academy(2020) (TV Series)-Hoyt Hillenkoetter(4 episodes, 2020) 743(七月 31, 2020)Season 2, Episode 9-Hoyt Hillenkoetter See more 4 Star Trek: Short Treks(2018–2020) (TV Series)-Principal / Aradar(2 episodes, 2018) ...
The Umbrella Academy season 4 (2024) ★1/2 發表於10/06/2024由Ling的視角撰寫 一種虎頭蛇尾草率收尾的隨便,為了結束而結束。一堆沒有解釋清楚的前幾季遺留的謎底依舊沒有清楚爬梳,然後就是為了導正時間軸,總之就是這群人都要犧牲,架構就是這樣,但一堆靈肉卻是怎麼樣都說不通,這群人為什麼要分開?為什...
Past Television(2 titles)Episodes Popularity Papers(2023) (TV Series)-Cindy(1 episode, 2023) Friends in Junior High Places(十一月 12, 2023)Season 1, Episode 12-Cindy 1 The Umbrella Academy(2020) (TV Series)-Young Lila (4 Years Old)(1 episode, 2020) ...
-TheUmbrellaAcademy(2019) -HunterKiller(2018) -ltsyBitsy(2018) -Ifeelpretty(2018) -StatusUpdate(2018) -Orphanblack(TVseries2017) -WynonnaEarp(TVseries2017) -LovingPablo(2017) -JourneytotheWest:Thedemonsstrikeback(2017)-Colossal(2016) April2016-July2016ToonboxEntertainmentToronto,ON ...
Since 1995, the Qatar Foundation (QF) has played a key role in the development of Qatar through education, science, and community development. QF is an “umbrella” array of more than 50 entities covering the entire educational system from PreK-12 schools to doctoral higher education, in addit...
Under the umbrella title, also the title of this collection of three summaries of lightning talks from the event, were grouped a number of useful topics: Expanding Library Boundaries, The Human ...
The Umbrella Academy season 4 (2024) ★1/2 發表於10/06/2024 由Ling的視角撰寫 一種虎頭蛇尾草率收尾的隨便,為了結束而結束。一堆沒有解釋清楚的前幾季遺留的謎底依舊沒有清楚爬梳,然後就是為了導正時間軸,總之就是這群人都要犧牲,架構就是這樣,但一堆靈肉卻是怎麼樣都說不通,這群人為什麼要分開?
The article focuses on the clinical and non-clinical online training programmes offered by Healthcare e-Academy, a standalone e-learning organisation for the healthcare sector by Virtual College in Great Britain. The modules of the trainin...
The Air Force's umbrella program for simulation-based training--called Distributed Mission Operations--emphasizes operational concepts and mission rehearsal. It will gradually incorporate simulation systems t...
'It doesn't rain money in London' – the invention of the umbrella and James Smith & Sons; 'Kunst ist Herrlich (Art Is almighty)' – a review of the first solo show of the Swiss-born artist Urs Lüthi at Gallery S O in...