We get so much out of the box, plus a huge pipeline of new features dropping regularly. And the Shopify ecosystem of apps and developers helps us move fast. This has let us shift focus from basic e-commerce feature development and maintenance to high-value areas for our consumers, like ...
Voorinstellingen voor verlopen gebruiken Lees alles over het toepassen van de nieuwe en verbeterde deelvensters voor Voorinstellingen van Photoshop. Julieanne Kost onderzoekt alles, van stalen tot patronen, van verlopen tot stijlen en vormen. ...
GM:As we rocket towards this year’s Free Comic Book Day, Tharg takes this opportunity to give everyone a rundown on what kind of heat his gratis-priced Thrill-Zine is packing. From the Allred & Allred cover (seen above), to a new Dredd strip from Alec Worley and Eric Powell, to ne...
TMRJIJ/Night-Shift-on-Unsupported-Macs - Enable Night Shift on older Macs. ruipfcosta/carthage-workarounds - Shell scripts to make life a little easier when using Carthage. nhoffman/argparse-bash - Use python's argparse module in shell scripts gianu/latest_tweets - Fetch the latest tweets...
The move to Shopify has been so beneficial to our business. We get so much out of the box, plus a huge pipeline of new features dropping regularly. And the Shopify ecosystem of apps and developers helps us move fast. This has let us shift focus from basic e-commerce feature development ...