70: »Item le Duc Guillaume de Hollande mourut et disoient mainte gent qu’il avoit esté empoisonne, luy et son biaufilz le dauffin, pour ce qu’ilz estoient si fort aliez au duc Jehan de Bourgoingne.« Google Scholar
新品预告丨「电音蝌蚪 初音未来Ver.」豪华版 双马尾miku来了!下午刚刚抵达上海,入库准备就绪!最近会积极营业发动态🈺️ 预计12月正式发售近日发布消息,再稍等一下 · #超常识奇物系列# #电音蝌蚪# #明和电...
The article presents news briefs on employee benefits in the U.S. as of September 2012, including the publication of the booklet "Need Time? The Employee's Guide to the Family and Medical Leave Act" by the U.S. Department of Labor, pay increase budgets of U.S. ...
Peters, Katherine McIntireGruber, AmeliaHarris, ShaneRutzick, KarenStrohm, ChrisDuke, WilliamGovernment Executive
This section offers news briefs related to the wine industry, as of November 2009. Casella Wines received the 2009 New World Wine Producer of the Year at the MUNDUvini Great International Wine Awards in Germany in September. Eme...
Reactions to an interview with Gordon Bethune, outgoing chief executive officer of Continental Airlines; Response of Mexicans to a story on the mayor of Tijuana, Mexico; Issue of political corruption in Mexico.Forshaw, StephenPrior, RogerAedo, Alexandere...